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McCourting the Dodgers
2003-10-09 06:25
by Jon Weisman

More on Frank McCourt, who the papers are saying has acquired exclusive negotiating rights for the purchase of the Dodgers. Hammond writes:

"Any transaction would include Dodger Stadium, and a source said McCourt would leave the team there, even though his 2001 bid for the Boston Red Sox included a plan to move the team from Fenway Park and build a waterfront stadium in south Boston."

Meanwhile, Jason Reid and Ross Newhan tell us in the Times that "McCourt, realizing he is currently the only viable bidder, apparently has taken a hard-line stance on some of the remaining issues." Further, the understandable fear in the organization is that the length of time required for the approval process of McCourt - even if he agrees to terms this month - will hamstring offseason moves for the team.

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