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Imagine Sterling Cooper without Don Draper
2008-10-27 08:42
by Jon Weisman

That's how Baseball Toaster will feel without Bronx Banter, but Alex Belth, Cliff Corcoran, Bruce Markusen, Will Weiss and Emma Span are moving on up, to the SNY side (forgive me for mixing my TV metaphors).

It was an honor, gentlepeople. Best of luck.

Comments (72)
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2008-10-27 08:47:15
1.   Bob Timmermann
I'm Duck Phillips! I want more Tanqueray!
2008-10-27 08:52:32
2.   Eric Stephen
Does that mean the "Bush" post at Mike's Baseball Rants was Pete Cambell-esque? :)

I hesitate to call Mike Pete Cambell since he mostly puts out good work.

2008-10-27 09:04:56
3.   LogikReader

This feels like Letterman moving to CBS. What a huge announcement. But I guess I could just add the bookmark to my browser.

I'm gonna miss BB on Baseball Toaster...

2008-10-27 09:07:32
4.   cargill06
Piece of useless info (because a buddy tried to tell me guys that walk a lot don't have sucsess because post-season pitching doesn't walk people).

Walk Rates

'08 Reg. Season- 8.9%
'08 Post season- 9.8%

'07 Reg. season- 8.7%
'07 Post season- 9.9%

'06- Reg. season- 8.7%
'06- Post season- 8.7% (higher than regular season if you don't round)

Assuming that Philly wins the team that walks more has won 14 of 21 series the last 3 years.

2008-10-27 09:49:34
5.   Eric Stephen
Sean "Chone" Smith has his 2009 defensive projections up:

Here are some Dodger +/- projections:

Loney: +1 at 1B
Hu: +7 at 2B, +6 at SS
DeWitt: +7 at 3B, +1 at 2B
Furcal: +2 at SS
Kemp: 0 at corner, -10 in CF
Ethier: 0 at corner, -10 in CF
Manny: -15 at corner, -29 in CF (I'd love to see that)
Pierre: +9 at corner, +2 in CF
Andruw: +8 at corner, +1 in CF

2008-10-27 09:52:21
6.   Bob Timmermann
Sadly, too many people have met me for me to pull off the idea that I'm Joan Holloway. But that would get a lot of the guys here interested in me in a much different way.
2008-10-27 09:53:50
7.   Eric Stephen
As long as I'm not Fred Rumsen, I'm OK with just about any DT-Mad Men casting.
2008-10-27 09:54:39
8.   ToyCannon
Saw Mad Men for the 1st time ever last night. I had stopped watching period piece TV shows based in post WWII after enjoying "Homefront" and then just having it end abruptly.

Going to miss Bronx Banter but I'm surprised that they were the ones picked up before Cardboard Gods. Shouldn't be long before Jon and Josh move on to greener pastures. If mldtraderumors can afford to pay someone to help them with their site, then some revenue is being generated.

2008-10-27 09:56:06
9.   ToyCannon
If DeWitt could pull that off wouldn't we be crazy not to keep him at 2nd base?
2008-10-27 09:56:48
10.   regfairfield
5 How does Kemp go from +0 to -10 in one year?
2008-10-27 09:57:33
11.   Eric Stephen
Yeah, if he could be above average at 2B that would be wonderful. However, it sounds like that idea has been scrapped. I do think he can easily beat the +7 at 3B over a full season though.
2008-10-27 09:58:52
12.   Eric Stephen
Hopefully it will be due to Kemp admiring his prodigious homers from his at-bats in previous innings and not paying attention in the field.
2008-10-27 10:05:24
13.   ToyCannon
More games in CF in 2008 to sample from?
2008-10-27 10:08:12
14.   Eric Stephen
To mention a few rumored others...

Ellis: +15 at 2B (best)
O-Dog: +3 at 2B
Beltre: +11 at 3B (2nd, behind Rolen's +13)
Blake: -8 at 3B, -8 at SS [hey, why not put him there! :)]

2008-10-27 10:09:54
15.   El Lay Dave
5 Given how much controversy and debate is stirred up regarding defensive metrics, trying to project defensive performance seems like real folly.

That said I project Andruw Jones either to have a 0 rating because he doesn't play at all, or to come back with healthy knees, a lot of weight shed, and a +6 rating.

2008-10-27 10:13:45
16.   Eric Stephen
I forgot to add, here is Sean's explanation of the ratings (hat tip to BTF):

These are based on 5 years of data from 2004-2008, weighted 1, .8, .6, .4, .2. The numbers are a combination of Stats ZR, Revised Zone rating, and Totalzone (which is not available for 2008). Instead of regressing these to a league average, the regression is to a run value derived from the Fan's scouting report. The more a player has played, the more his rating is based on his stats. The less he has played, the more it is based on his scouting report

2008-10-27 10:14:29
17.   El Lay Dave
14 Rolen will not stay healthy enough to accumlate a +13.
2008-10-27 10:18:23
18.   underdog
I just want it known that other than sharing the same last name I have nothing in common with poor ol' Duck.

Now I'm gonna go through months of Mad Men withdrawal. {cry}

Oh, and best of luck to the BB crew. I shall drop by their new spot from time to time but it won't be the same. Hope their peeps still come by here on occasion.

2008-10-27 10:18:47
19.   Eric Stephen
He got to +13 in only 1006 innings in 2008 (~112 full games or so).
2008-10-27 10:19:10
20.   El Lay Dave
5 His 2008 projections of the same players:
Loney: -2
Hu: -10
DeWitt: N/A
Furcal: 1
Kemp: -3, -14
Ethier: 1, -9
Manny: -17, -32
Pierre: 13, 7
Andruw: 9, 1
2008-10-27 10:22:36
21.   El Lay Dave
19 He lasted less than 2000 innings over the last two season and his ability to stay on the field is not enhanced with the steady increase in his age metric (he'll be 34 around Opening Day).
2008-10-27 10:26:55
22.   Eric Stephen
...followed by actual (per Bill James Online):

Loney: -2 (-1 actual)
Hu: -10 (+4 in 229 innings)
DeWitt: N/A (+11 in 727 innings at 3B, -4 in 193 at 2B)
Furcal: 1 (0 in 296 innings)
Kemp: -3, -14 (-1 in 825 in CF; -1 in 478 in RF)
Ethier: 1, -9 (0 in 277 in LF; -17 in 881 in RF)
Manny: -17, -32 (-13 in 974 in LF)
Pierre: 13, 7 (+4 in 622 in LF; +3 in 116 in CF)
Andruw: 9, 1 (-4 in 496 in CF)

2008-10-27 10:27:44
23.   bhsportsguy
With Bronx Banter leaving Toaster, one thing is for sure.

More cursing on The Griddle.

2008-10-27 10:27:57
24.   Eric Stephen
the steady increase in his age metric

That's a great quote. I'm going to use that!

2008-10-27 10:46:52
25.   Bluebleeder87
For those interested, there's a rumor going around that The Smiths are getting back together for Cochella...
2008-10-27 10:49:15
26.   Harold M Johnson
25 I've heard that rumor before... like last year and the year before, and the year before that, but who knows?
2008-10-27 10:49:37
27.   Bluebleeder87
It was pretty cool watching the Dodger photo gallery yesterday & seeing Jose Vizcaino as a Dodger coach, I didn't realize that I have to admit.
2008-10-27 10:52:53
28.   Bluebleeder87

this is the first time I hear of it, man, I really hope it happens. I'm not a concert guy but for them I'd definitely make an exception.

2008-10-27 10:54:29
29.   Eric Stephen
Chone's predictions for the 2009 D-Backs:

1B Jackson -3 (-1 in corner OF)
2B ?? (O-Dog +3)
3B Reynolds -8 (+1 at 1B)
SS Drew -9
1B/3B Tracy -2/-3
LF Byrnes +9
CF S.C. Young -1
RF Upton 0

OF Salazar -2 (-12 in CF)
1B/2B/3B/SS/OF/CF Burke +3/+4/-3/-7/+3/-6
1B/OF Dunn -6/-13

2008-10-27 11:07:23
30.   regfairfield
29 Might as well call them the Iamondbacks.
2008-10-27 11:13:03
31.   Jacob Burch
oh I would love to see
a day of us a view:
a Scene of balls and bats
and Tommy:One on one
against the Iamb-ondbacks
2008-10-27 11:19:02
32.   regfairfield
16 So a system that gives results in +/- doesn't use the +/- numbers?
2008-10-27 11:29:03
33.   Jim Hitchcock
If Bobblehead O'Reilly can get 4 years at ten per from Fox News, we can certainly afford Manny.
2008-10-27 11:33:19
34.   Eric Stephen
Here's another Chone-projected NL West foe, the more defensively-minded Rockies:

1B Helton +8
2B Stewart +4 (+2 at 3B)
3B Atkins -7 (-3 at 1B)
SS Tulo +11
LF Holliday +8
CF Taveras +3 (+9 at a corner)
RF Hawpe -15

OF Spilborghs 0 (-9 in CF)
1B/2B/3B/OF Baker 0/-4/-2/-6

2008-10-27 11:34:07
35.   Eric Stephen
You do realize Fox no longer owns the Dodgers, right? :)
2008-10-27 11:34:53
36.   KG16
25 - and Chinese Democracy is going to drop next month.

Although, if it does...

2008-10-27 11:36:37
37.   Eric Stephen
And America rejoices as everyone receives a free Dr. Pepper

2008-10-27 11:38:58
38.   KG16
what's the net effect of +/- on a team? By which I mean: can we total up a team's to get a sense of how good defensively a team is?
2008-10-27 11:39:51
39.   Jim Hitchcock
36 I wake every morning thanking my lucky stars for that fact :)
2008-10-27 11:40:22
40.   Jim Hitchcock
Sorry, meant 35 .
2008-10-27 11:49:35
41.   regfairfield
38 Bigger numbers are better, but a +10 from a left fielder is different than a +10 from a second baseman, so you can't just add everything together.
2008-10-27 12:04:45
42.   KG16
41 - ok. so here's another question, let's say a short stop makes a + play in shallow left field, waving off the left fielder in the process. because the left fielder didn't make a play (which he might have been able to make), does that count as a - ? Conversely, let's say an outfielder waves off an infielder to make a play, how does that get counted?
2008-10-27 12:05:11
43.   kinbote
31 JB--I bought "Aeroplane" this weekend and it's already one of my favorite albums ever. {End of my musical comments}
2008-10-27 12:09:23
44.   Gagne55
I actually enjoyed visiting Bronx Banter from time to time. Oh well, at least the Giddle is still around.
2008-10-27 12:09:41
45.   Gagne55
2008-10-27 12:14:04
46.   KG16
44 - it's not like they shut down, they just have a new url. it'll still be ok to go there.
2008-10-27 12:15:20
47.   MC Safety
25 That would be pretty cool. Not cooler than a Pavement reunion, but I could handle seeing The Smiths reunite. Where did you hear/read they were reuniting?
2008-10-27 12:22:41
48.   cargill06
Hey I guess somehow Dodger stadium turned back into a pitchers park this year.

(multi-year): Batting - 100, Pitching - 99
(one-year): Batting - 95, Pitching - 94
Over 100 favors batters, under 100 favors pitchers

2008-10-27 12:23:14
49.   Bluebleeder87

One of the local radion stations mentioned it & I just kind of ran with it...

2008-10-27 12:24:07
50.   Disabled List
The Smiths definitely not reuniting for Coachella 2009

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2008-10-27 12:32:00
51.   underdog
43 Hooray! Join the club. :-)
2008-10-27 12:42:26
52.   Bluebleeder87

party pooper!

but seriously, it's a shame, there such an influential band...

2008-10-27 12:43:13
53.   MC Safety
A brief interview with the always interesting Randy Newman via Pitchfork:

2008-10-27 12:43:45
54.   Bluebleeder87
back to baseball news. I hope NedCo busts out his "go to contract" with both Furcal & Manny Ramirez.
2008-10-27 13:09:18
55.   Bluebleeder87
something like an incentive (?) laten contract to Furcal & a boat love of money to Ramirez...
2008-10-27 13:10:50
56.   Eric Stephen

A player gets credit (a "plus" number) if he makes a play that at least one other player at his position missed during the season, and he loses credit (a "minus" number) if he misses a play that at least one player made. The size of the credit is directly related to how often players make the play. Each play is looked at individually, and a score is given for each play. Sum up all the plays for each player at his position and you get his total plus/minus for the season

In this case, the weight of the plus or minus in this case would depend on how many plays hit into that area were made by other SS or LF.

2008-10-27 13:42:16
57.   trainwreck
I just hope we can still swear at the Banter.
2008-10-27 13:46:44
58.   silverwidow
Stupid question:

What would happen if baseball was on the clock like the other major sports?

2008-10-27 13:48:52
59.   Eric Stephen
Tony LaRussa would lose a lot more!
2008-10-27 13:51:46
60.   regfairfield
52 I wouldn't have an excuse to wear makeup for Halloween without their dreary band of music.
2008-10-27 13:52:25
61.   cargill06
Taking a look atBA's top 20 prospects by league, some notable Dodgers;

Midwest league- Lambo #7
Pioneer League- Gordon #4, Russell #10, Baez #11, Delmonico #19
Southern League- Kershaw #1, MacDonald #14, DeJesus #15

2008-10-27 13:55:39
62.   Sushirabbit
ATF foils plot to kill Obama in TN.
2008-10-27 14:00:08
63.   Sushirabbit

I want to say "unbelievable" but sadly I guess it's not.

2008-10-27 14:07:14
64.   D4P
No. Completely believable and predictable.
2008-10-27 14:17:15
65.   KG16
61 - is Lambo the left fielder of the future? or does he play first? if he plays first, does that mean that Loney is now on the clock?

i feel like the narrator on the old Batman show. Tune in next time, same bat-channel, same bat-time.

2008-10-27 14:18:44
66.   KG16
65 - nevermind, looked him up on BR, looks line he's an outfielder, and a few years away from being ready.
2008-10-27 14:31:00
67.   Eric Enders
66 Lambo's currently an outfielder, but many think he'll move to first. Logan White has been quoted as saying he has Loney-type Gold Glove potential at first base.

I'm very surprised that Russell made the Pioneer League list.

The Southern League was absolutely STACKED this year. Kershaw was picked #1 over David Price among others.

2008-10-27 14:32:31
68.   cargill06
Sorry to bring this up, Carlos Santana was #2 in the California League.
2008-10-27 14:32:51
69.   Jon Weisman
2008-10-27 14:33:06
70.   Eric Enders
From the link in 63 : "The numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic in the white supremacist community."


2008-10-27 14:56:55
71.   Sushirabbit

This was on the news here last night or the night before because someone painted a neighborhod sign with the swastika and the numbers 14 and 88. I have no idea if the ATF case was tied to that or not.

2008-10-27 15:11:53
72.   Indiana Jon
71 I thought those numbers were related to Dale Earnhardt Jr. and A.J. Foyt.

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