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Forget about what you think of Dodger ownership or management. Forget what you think of a Dodger player or an opponent at any given moment. Forget what extraordinary behavioral license you think you have purchased with a simple ticket to a baseball game.
If you can't control yourself from ...
... you don't deserve your team to win, you don't deserve your team's management making the moves you want, you don't deserve your favorite players performing well and you certainly don't deserve a seat at the game.
Dodger Stadium might need to police its fans better. It might be time to spend the money to increase security and establish, however temporarily, a "no broken windows" policy at the games.
But fans must police themselves better.
Doesn't matter if you're unhappy with the team on the field. Doesn't matter if you're unhappy with your own damn life. There is not tit for tat. There is no excuse. Those of you who are violating the above rules are ruining the game for everyone else. Your pathetic laugh is coming at the expense of tens of thousands.
Spread the word. It's time to grow up. It's time to be worthy of a winning team. It's time to reclaim Dodger Stadium.
It's time to be better.
I also think verbal taunting (as opposed to verbal abuse) like the DARR-RYL chant, yelling at the umpire, etc., is fair game. And while hecklers who rise above that to the level of verbal abuse may be distasteful, I don't think fans whose offenses are purely verbal deserve to be lumped in with the scumbags who fight and throw stuff on the field.
Just my 2 cents... and has anyone figured out yet what the deal was with all that trash on the field tonight?
Also, your post seems to be addressing the culprits directly... I hope you're not implying they're all DT readers!
Last year when I mentioned this in a Dodger Thoughts thread, I was pretty much dismissed as a kook who's hearing things. I felt sort of like Ray Kinsella when he admitted to all his farmer neighbors that he was hearing voices. I'm glad to now discover that I'm not the only kook hearing them. ;)
LAT mentioned in the open chat thread that the trash throwing was instigated when (two?) fans ran on the field, and were chased down and escorted to the pokey.
But I don't have much sympathy for the "novice" fan who doesn't know not to reach into the field of play. Only a select number of fans sit in the front row of a stadium. Rarely are they people who have never been to a game and who are seated with people who have never been to a game. Plus, there is the warning in the first inning at every ballpark not to interfere. Not proactively reaching over the railing is just not that complicated a concept to grasp - it's not like we're asking them to calculate their Alternative Minimum Tax on the fly.
Obviously, I'm perfectly fine with fans trying to catch a ball that comes into the stands. But I don't think it takes any special thought process at all not to reach over the railing at a live ball, which by definition, can be reached by one of the fielders. The reaction to Steve Bartman, for example, was overkill - but I don't buy for a minute that he shouldn't have known better.
Anyway, if they don't know - guess what, we can start to tell them. Even the kids - like the kid shown on the highlights tonight. Don't reach over. Period. Parents are responsible for protecting their kids from a live ball coming at them into the stands - no reason they shouldn't be responsible for protecting them from a ball that isn't coming into the stands. And I say that as a parent of a lovely daughter who listens to me about as often as a coin lands on heads.
Initally, the Dodgers sent out one poor guy to pick up all the garbage. After about five minutes security and 10 other guys came to help out. Not sure why it took so long. I sit in the Loge just above Frank and he looked confused. Clearly security needs to be stepped up.
You're not hearing voices. Fans at the stadium (mostly bleachers) have taken to taunting anyone wearing a Yankees hat. I witnessed it firsthand last week. I was sitting down third base, near the bleachers. It was an ugly scene. The hat wearer was a woman. She had to take the hat off so that people would leave her alone. I felt bad for her and the guy she was with.
I've seen other people taunted as well. Sometimes more violently. But, it seems that Yankee taunts are the most popular because many people wear Yankee hats.
It's lame and makes me embarrassed to be a Dodger fan.
Yankee fans don't cheer fans who run on the field. The fans in Chicago didn't support the idiots who, in separate incidents, attacked a Royals coach and an umpire.
Such behavior is inexplicable.
Geez, I'm turning into Helen Lovejoy!
And am I nuts, or does fan behavior seem to get exponentially worse each and every season? I've been going to Dodger Stadium with some regularity for a very long time, and I honestly don't remember it ever getting this bad when I was a kid. Any ideas on why we've been experiencing such a steep behavioral slide? However, you cut it, it's upsetting, and it's certainly curtailed the frequency of my trips to the park.
I think someone clued in Phillips as to what Simers is up to.
Jon, while I basically agree with everything you said in #5, I feel compelled to point out that Bartman isn't the best example to use, as he did not reach onto the field -- Alou reached into the stands (albeit barely).
"A day earlier Phillips had gone wacko, angry and screaming about a Bill Plaschke column, and I think we can all relate to that."
I must grudgingly admit that tomorrow's Simers column is pretty much a classic in every regard. There's even a great line about what a tightwad Lasorda is.
Reminds me of the first `Gone In 60 Seconds' when, after a stolen Mustang had evaded capture by driving on the sidewalk in Long Beach, and interviewee said "Yeah, man, he killed about a million people..."
However, I will say that the very last Ball Night in the history of Dodger Stadium was a watershed, and I felt that way at the time. It shocked me that such a thing would happen in Los Angeles, at the home of the Dodgers. In New York, yes. In Chicago, conceivable. In San Francisco, yes. But I never thought it would happen in the Dodger Stadium that I remembered from my youth. And yet it did. :-(
That's an interesting point that had never occurred to me before.
There's got to be a 12-step program for this.
I feel bad that a woman wearing a Yankees cap had Dodger fans chant "Yankees Suck" at her in Chavez Ravine. It's certainly not something I would ever do.
That said, I'll never forget the day I committed the horrible crime of sitting (alone!) in the right field bleachers of Yankee Stadium, wearing a Mariners jersey. I was subjected to three hours of the most cruel, disgusting, inhumane chants I've ever heard, ever, in any context whatsoever. I mean, stuff like, "Your mother should've had an abortion." Lotsa graphic gay-bashing stuff. Genuine physical threats. About forty people chanting "You need braces" (I had kinda crooked teeth at the time). Some guy whapped me in the side of the head with a newspaper. Another guy yanked my hat off my head and I spent half an inning trying to get it back while the whole section played "keep away."
I needed protection to get out of there at the end of the game. Probably three of the most unpleasant hours of my entire life.
As I said, it's not my style, and it's not something I would ever do to someone else, but... if a Yankee fan in Dodger Stadium hears "Yankees Suck" chanted her way, well, I'm just not gonna cry too many tears for her.
I've also worn Dodger gear in about a dozen other ballparks, including Candlestick many times, and have never had any problem other than some mild, good-natured trash talk.
Now I shudder at the thought that I once desired Monday's autograph.
We need awareness of the problem. A great post by Jon in DT is a start. The Dodgers need to appeal to the pride that all of their fans feel and make some damn announcements during the game. Increasing the security presence is one thing but having the PA guy say that anyone seen throwing anything on the field will be ejected and prosecuted to the full extent of the law and oh, by the way, enjoy the game safely and respectively... well, perhaps as a former announcer I'm putting too much stock in it but I think it'll work wonders.
While there is no justification for abuse, if you wear another teams jersey to a game you are in a small way looking for trouble. Yes you should be able to wear what you want but the fact of life is a Giant fan is going to catch s@#* at DS for wearing a black hat.
Yes, he did sign the card.
Staying up for, now 50 hours: A combination of insomnia, a project with a deadline, and my normal sleeping habits, which are quite erratic. Sleep is highly overrated anyway, although I suspect I'll be wanting some as soon as tonight's game is over.
I don't mind getting a little good-natured s%$# when I wear my Dodger stuff at other stadiums -- in part, that's exactly why I do it. But I've never experienced anything at all similar to the thuggery others have described above.
I will be at the game tonight wearing a vintage Cardinals cap in honor of my late father's birthday (he would have been 76 today) and he grew up a Cardinals fan and attended high school along with one of Red Schoendienst's younger brother. The Schoendienst family had a lot of kids.
They're also a little smaller. They really can't get more than 27,000 in there I believe.
But if you went to something like a US-Mexico international match at the Coliseum or the Rose Bowl, the crowd would be a bit rougher.
The US won't play teams from Latin America in Southern California. But not because of intimidation, but rather they want a homefield advantage and they try to schedule the matches in places that are in the Northeast and are played in cold weather.
This still didn't stop several thousand Guatemalan fans from showing up in Columbus, Ohio for a World Cup qualifier.
On another note, nothing can be as bad as sitting in Neyland Stadium, listening to some goober trash talk the Vols like he knows anything about Football. My buddy and I have had a LOT of laughs about stOOpid things they say. And is it just me, but aren't you usually surprised when someone says somthing really intelligent at the baseball games? Usually this happens when you ARE on the front row, but I've had it happen recently in Nashville further back with a 12 year old kid, too.
My experience with baseball fans in general is better than any other sport. I still love going to the game with extra front row seats and giving them to some young guys intent on getting good seats. (of course, they do have to sit next to me) :-)
Anyone else remember when they had to shut down beer sales in the Pavilions in the 70's because of the bottle showers that Pete Rose got in left field? Despite that, it was still easy for fans to smuggle in rum bottles past security.
The idea of a pregame PSA by Vin on the message board is a good one, plus increased security, and if necessary a very public prosecution of trespassing fans.
Having (briefly) represented Dodger security guards in the 80's, they're usually in a no win situation. You don't want to turn the Stadium into a police state, but you don't want to have Dodger Stadium become a baseball version of Raider Nation.
What is even more amazing was the lame Dodger response to the cleanup. It was like they don't even have a plan and this whole thing took them by surprise.
In 1975 Dodger stadium behavior was at an all time low as numerous fights would break out every game. Jimmy Wynn had to actually take the field before a game and implore the fans to behave. I assume these fans are the children of those fans.
They could also make last call a little bit earlier.
"The Los Angeles Dodgers are disappointed that a few of our guests elected not to follow our Fan Code of Conduct and interfered with other fans' enjoyment of the game," the statement read. "We continually assess and modify promotions, entertainment and associated security measures to ensure that Dodger Stadium is one of the safest, most family-friendly ballparks in the country."
This is not to say that there isn't a problem at Dodgers Stadium, but it seems to have more to do with the performance of stadium security. I mean, how did the guy who touched Holliday not get thrown out of the stadium? Guy didn't act maliciously, so I'm not suggesting criminal prosecution, but for touching a player like he did, he should have been thrown out of the stadium at least. Security needs to do a better job. If there's a problem in the pavilions and the areas with the low fences in left and right field, then security should be upped in those areas to prevent the incidents we've been seeing. Policies on ejecting or prosecuting fans should be clearly outlined and consistently executed. I think the Dodgers can do a much better job of controlling the situation.
Stop selling beer.
And I may reconsider field level seats after last night's game too. A man, 50-ish, had four seats right in front of us, and gave three of them to some of his work buddies. These guys, in their late 30s-early 40s, pounded beers from the first pitch and never once looked out onto the field, except when the "fans" jumped the right field fence and decided to play tag with Security. Why would they need to, when they were having so much fun shouting offensive jokes and gay-paranoid names at each other, punching and shoving each other, and (my favorite) launching fistfuls of peanuts at each other? Of course, when the beach balls inevitably arrived, they got extremely excited. My buddy grabbed one and rolled it to the usher, and was then subjected to some lame taunts from them. When I shouted back, "Hey, guys, do I have to remind you there's a baseball game going on?" they look kind of nonplussed, as if, hey, yeah, they DID need to be reminded. That lull lasted about 30 seconds, and then it was back to the nonstop hilarity of peanut throwing and hat keep-away and other hijinks, all of which took place in full view of an usher who stood there the entire game, and whose job obviously was no crowd assistance or control, but making sure nobody snuck into the more expensive new seats, many of which were not occupied. This usher, who looked like a Doobie Bros. roadie, was either too laid back or too intimidated to actually do his job, and when he got ahold of one beach ball late in the game instead of deflating it, he actually spiked it back into the crowd. And after the on-field troubles, there was even a Security guy a few feet away sitting there smirking at these bozos as they played their playground games in $35 seats.
The Dodgers need to take this crowd control issue a whole lot more seriously. I'll bet Vin was livid at all the delays, one after the other, in the early innings, not to mention the geniuses who grabbed for glory by running on the field, and the brave souls who showed their support for that idiotic behavior by showering their home field with trash and plastic bottles. I'll be in the top deck from now on. After last night, I'm in total agreement with Jon:
These fans "don't deserve your team to win, you don't deserve your team's management making the moves you want, you don't deserve your favorite players performing well and you certainly don't deserve a seat at the game… But fans must police themselves better. Doesn't matter if you're unhappy with the team on the field. Doesn't matter if you're unhappy with your own damn life. There is not tit for tat. There is no excuse. Those of you who are violating the above rules are ruining the game for everyone else. Your pathetic laugh is coming at the expense of tens of thousands."
Thanks, Jon. I just hope someone is listening.
One game was in 2001. I was sitting in the CF bleachers (definitely rowdier out there), for the game where Barry Bonds hit HR #71 and #72 off of Chan Ho to break McGwire's record. Needless to say, the crowd was going crazy during the first few innings. But the Dodgers ended up winning the game 11-10, so at the end of the game, I was going crazy. Until some guy a few rows back yelled at me, "What are you cheering about, punk?" Normally, probably no big deal, but something about his tone, his look, his semi-drunken state (but not too drunk)...I stopped cheering.
The other time I remember was just last year. The idiot goon sitting next to me was going on and on, yelling at every batter, every Dodger fan in the section. Some Giant hit a HR; this idiot turned to me and screamed in my face, spitting on me in the process. I wiped the spit off on his jacket (not smart), but I basically stopped cheering. He ended up getting in a fistfight with some other guy at the end of the game. This other guy wasn't a Dodger fan or anything, he was just pissed about how this idiot had been cussing out the other guy's father the whole game, because the father was asking the idiot to be quiet.
Anyways, I think the other fans in the area need to be more aggressive about reporting this kind of thing to the ushers. I need to be better about this too; I never want to make a scene but it's really the only way to get these people to stop it. So it's not only that we fans need to stop throwing trash, whatever, but if we want things to change at Dodger Stadium or up here at SBC, we need to be less afraid of talking to the ushers.
That would probably cut into the owners' profits, though.
Private security is a growth business.
It's certainly not limited to Dodger Stadium. My worst fan experience was sitting in the bleachers at Fenway for a Sox-Yanks game in 1978. I'll never do that again.
I was sitting in the right field upper deck at Shea the night Darryl Strawberry made his first appearance there as a Dodger, and apart from the "Darryl" stuff, the only thing really nasty that happened was the moron who threw a baseball at Daryl Boston, the Mets' right fielder. I can only imagine that he was too drunk to realize which Dar(r)yl he was throwing at.
I think they take a different approach now. I don't think they go out looking for goons. They go looking for large, reasonably responsible adults.
Should I post my random game callback in the morning chat or in the game time chat? Today is not the most scintillating one.
I've had two completely different experiences viewing Dodgers Vs. cardinals games in St. Louis. When i went in 2003, the fans were very respectful of me (in Dodgers jersey and hat) and many stood and clapped when Mike Kinkade(?) made a fantastic diving catch in left. The Dodgers won, and I didn't get any crap from anyone.
Last year I went to Game 2 of the NLDS in gear again. I hadn't shaved the chin in deference to the Dodgers' winning record, so I had decent chin music. Right out of my $20 dollar parking spot I noticed the scene was changed. Everyone was in red. The peanut vendor on the street in front of the stadium made sure to point out to everyone that I was Gagne. The game sucked (of course) but I was near Jayson Werth's family (complete with Dick Schofield (I think)) and even slapped five with his mother/wife(?). When I left anyone drunk and under 30 was razzing me. I almost got in two fights and was honked at repeatedly on the way out of town. It really sucked.
I personally haven't seen anyone treat other fans like this in Dodger Stadium. I saw a Dodger and braves fan go at it, but it was over a seat.
I haven't been to any games at the Ravine this year, but I was at the first Milton fiasco last year. I was on the third base side. After Milton littered the field with balls and left, the RF bleachers erupted with trash. I was ashamed. A guy a couple rows in front of me called the bleachers the zoo. That night it was fitting, but could very well be taken the wrong way.
When I have sat there in the past, I've had nothing but positive experiences. I saw a guy propose, had a bird land on my head and watched Jay Buhner crank BP fastballs out of the stadium (twice). I found the people their very comfortable to be around, as they were all Dodger supporters. Howerver, I can see with the recent popularity that things may be getting out of hand. Raise the price of beer, don't allow bags other than small purses or baby bags and use the power of television to convince the fans (as the rest of the world knows) that the wave is passe.
It turns out that the problem people get even more drunk when you stop selling alcohol. They get tanked in the parking lot and then sneak alcohol into the stands. Instead of having to fork over $7 and stand in line for 15 minutes the trouble makers get all they want at low, low prices.
The only real solution is to not let people in who are drunk and to search people who are going into the pavilions.
-Pope Benedict XVI
I think he was talking about beachballs.
I'm sorry to hear about your negative experience as a Dodger fan at Busch. FWIW, I went to the series the Dodgers played there last Labor Day weekend, and found the Cardinals fans to live up to their reputation as the best in baseball. They were not obnoxious in the least; many even engaged my brother and I in baseball conversation ("What's the story with this Brazoban guy?" was one of the questions I remember being asked.)
I got several compliments from Cardinals fans regarding my Dodger jersey with "Valenzuela" on the back. As did my brother with his Jackie Robinson jersey.
They are good fans, but they are not as great and wonderful and knowledgeable as Joe Buck and Peter Gammons would have you believe.
They generally eschew beach balls so I give them that. But they will leave early when the game is out of hand.
There was a billboard on the MLK bridge that had a shot of Rolen playing D. It said something like: Why pull hitters hate to come to St. Louis. That's all it said. You would never see that anywhere else.
St. louis is also great because it boasts the only two Del Tacos around for miles and miles.
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