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On Karros, From Chicago
2003-10-09 00:10
by Jon Weisman

Christian Ruzich at The Cub Reporter adds the following on Eric Karros:

Nice column on Karros today. Allow me to point you toward my column, "In Praise of Erik Karros," from June.

Also, while all the numbers you cite are true, consider these as well:


That's Karros' AVG/OBP/SLG against lefties this year. He murders 'em. His numbers against righties are so poor (246/286/397) that his overall numbers have been dragged down, but I submit that that is not Karros' fault. It's Dusty Baker's. Instead of recognizing that what he had was a deadly platoon player, what Baker thought he had was an everyday player. So, he ran Karros out there almost every day, to the detriment of the development of young Hee Seop Choi. Karros responded the way you'd expect him to respond, which is to say, not very well. It wasn't until Jim Hendry went out and got Randall Simon that Karros' PT was curtailed, and even then he still started pretty regularly against righties.

Karros is, at this point, a platoon player.

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