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Dodger Pitching - Top Five All-Time Dodger Hitting - Bottom Six All-Time
2003-10-09 09:24
by Jon Weisman

From Tom Tippett at Thoughts From Diamond Mind:

The Dodgers allowed opposing teams to score runs at only 70% of the league-average rate. On the all-time list, you've got three teams at 69% (the Cubs of 1905, 1906, and 1909) and one at 70% (the 1939 Yankees), so the Dodgers are now in the top five all-time when measured this way. A lot of people complain that the word "great" is overused in the sports world, and I agree. But this, friends, was a great pitching staff, and the defense behind it deserves some of the credit, too.

On the other hand, the offense was almost equally dreadful, scoring runs at only 73% of the league average rate. Only five teams since 1901 have been worse. Even the Tigers rallied to finish at 75% of the AL average this year.

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