Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
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8) making the same point over and over again
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Dan Reines has finished atoning and realized the following:
You mentioned something not long ago about the Dodgers running the risk of becoming this century's Cubbies (It's true, I did.), which of course seems absurd at first. But then I started thinking about it yesterday (gave me something to ponder while not eating and standing for extended periods of time at Yom Kippur services).
First of all, it's been 15 years since the Dodgers' last series win/appearance, and with every year that goes by, that number rises closer to the "years and years of futility" label that gets pasted on teams like the Cubs and the Sox (both Sox) and the pre-2002 Angels. And it occurred to my fast-addled mind yesterday: Since '88, even with the repeat successes of the Yankees and the early-'90s Jays, there've been nine different World Series champs, and 14 different teams have won their respective leagues. That's almost half the major leagues, including two teams that didn't even exist when the Dodgers last won.
Of course, the Dodgers haven't even won a post-season *game* since then, which puts them in a class with, as far as I can figure, only five other teams: the Expos, the Brewers, the Tigers, the Royals, and the Devil Rays, who of course didn't happen until 1998. In other words, the Dodgers are currently nursing the fifth-longest postseason futility streak in all of baseball.
Jon, the Dodgers may already *be* the Cubs. Except that the Cubs are lovable.
I can't tell you how much more difficult this made my fast.
Yep. I'm telling you, it's serious, man.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.