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Keep Your Priorities
2003-08-05 13:38
by Jon Weisman

Late last week, Robert Tagorda at Priorities and Frivolities wrote that because of time constraints, he would have to reduce the Dodger component of his Dodger-politics website.

It's a shame, because Robert has written some great stuff about the team. But a bigger shame would be to stop reading Robert's site because of it.

Certainly, there are even more political blogs than baseball blogs out there in the Interwilderness, but Priorities really deserves special mention. Tagorda, a Truman scholar who just today was published in the San Francisco Chronicle, offers pointed, insightful news and commentary, all with a thoughtful, reasoned rationale. On some issues, he and I fall on different sides of the political spectrum; on others, we are close. In either case, I never fail to learn something from his material.

My lead to this morning's Dodger entry notwithstanding, political references has been deliberately kept from Dodger Thoughts. But if you have any interest in what's going on outside of the basepaths, read Robert. There are few writers out there who have their biases more firmly in check. I think that's pretty high praise.

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