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Reframing the Beltre Question
2004-08-31 01:00
by Jon Weisman

Tim Marchman of the New Partisan makes the case for signing Adrian Beltre to a long-term contract, even though this is Beltre's first season performing at an elite level. (Thanks to Eric Enders for the link.)

One thing I've noticed more acutely than ever with the Adrian Beltre discussion is the limitations of imprecise vocabulary in discussing whether or not to resign a player.

People will say things like:

  • "We have to resign Beltre."

  • "Beltre's too big a gamble."

    without naming years or dollars. And obviously we understand why - it takes more thought to come up with years and dollars than to make a blanket statement.

    But clearly, there is a price where everyone in the world would resign Beltre - say, one year at $310,000. And clearly, there's a price where no one in the world would sign Beltre - say 20 years at $20 million per year.

    Beltre's contract will come between these two extremes. So I just want to make a suggestion - to you, to me, to the media, to whomever - that we reframe the question to make the discussion more effective:

    Should the Dodgers resign Adrian Beltre?

    How much in dollars and years should the Dodgers be willing to offer Adrian Beltre?

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