Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Jon's other site:
Screen Jam
TV and more ...
1) using profanity or any euphemisms for profanity
2) personally attacking other commenters
3) baiting other commenters
4) arguing for the sake of arguing
5) discussing politics
6) using hyperbole when something less will suffice
7) using sarcasm in a way that can be misinterpreted negatively
8) making the same point over and over again
9) typing "no-hitter" or "perfect game" to describe either in progress
10) being annoyed by the existence of this list
11) commenting under the obvious influence
12) claiming your opinion isn't allowed when it's just being disagreed with
At Screen Jam, I have ranked my favorite films of 2006. It's just my opinion and only as good as the paper it isn't printed on. (Apologies to Michael Scott.)
This will be my last big film post before the Oscars, so feel free to weigh in with your thoughts on the year in film.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.