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I asked this question in the comments Wednesday night, and David Pinto asked it at Baseball Musings this morning: Isn't the prevailing assumption now that, despite what apparently happened in the past, that Barry Bonds is now clean - and if so, does that not reinforce that what he has been doing so far this season is legitimately incredible?
Bonds is 42 years and 10 months old, with an on-base percentage of .470 and slugging percentage of .808.
I have stood by my belief that Bonds is a Hall of Famer. The shorthand reasons are 1) he was a clear Hall of Famer before the first foreign substance hit his body, 2) his substance use was a reflection of what baseball rules and the collective bargaining agreement officially tolerated on a widespread level during the time in question, 3) given how widespread that substance use was among both hitters and pitchers, he shouldn't be singled out, and 4) given how studies on substance use conflict, it's unclear how much that substance use actually helped him.
Those reasons are debatable. But if Bonds is clean now, does that mean we should firmly stop singling out Bonds for derision? If what he did was part of a larger crisis in baseball, a crisis now being addressed, and if what he did didn't distort the record books as much as people think, what is the case against him?
I anticipate that the counterarguments to this are 1) he cheated, end of story, 2) this 2007 performance won't hold up if he's clean and 3) maybe he's not clean now.
* * *
The Mike Penner/Christine Daniels transformation story figures to get a lot of attention. Though a bit too snarky at times for my personal taste, especially on Morning Briefing for the Times, I've always thought Penner was an excellent writer. I look forward to reading Daniels.
I'm curious about his name choice. I'm not trying to be ultra-clever or anytyhing, but I can't help noticing that Christine/Christina appears to have become the dominant name for transsexual sportswriters, as Daniels joins Christina Kahrl of Baseball Prospectus. I believe there is a TV pilot about a transsexual sportswriter in the works - wonder what her name will be.
Update: Kahrl comments optimistically at BP.
I see no reason for such an assumption. There are apparently plenty of undetectable PEDs, so there doesn't appear to be much risk of getting caught.
"Since they can't detect, go ahead and inject"
If they had any sense of humility over the gifts they were/are fortunate to have, instead of the same sort of smugness, maybe I'd care, but I don't. I found the stuff on Brian Traxler much more interesting.
Still the 'roids don't get you to see the ball.
The big misunderstanding, I think, is the difference between drag, transsexuals and cross dressers. Drag is usually just gay pageantry, either camp or glam, but always fabulous. Cross dressers are mostly straight guys who like to wear a dress, nothing wrong with it, but usually a lot less fabulous. transsexual is something else altogether.
Have you seen the, um, guy that works at Francesca's...?
I am inclined to agree with you on this one. Barry's homer last night was incredible, and the one I saw last year in person against Billingsey was a monster. When Barry hits a homer, he hits a homer...none of this barely over the wall stuff. I guess I have made my peace with him breaking the record because I am hoping/expecting Arod or Pujols to beat it if they stay healthy. I will be at the game tonight, and I can only hope no Giants fans are next to me (since I hate having beer thrown in my direction). I would love to see a day where we support our team with great cheering, rather than chanting, "Barry sucks, Barry sucks", especially when Gonzo is at the plate and it has nothing to do with what is happening at the game.
Oh well, I can only hope.
I personally know some borderline major leaguers who took steroids to make the show. It goes far beyond Barry Bonds.
But, it does not excuse Barry for playing on the Giants, lying to the grand jury, being a complete jerk to the media and fans. That's why I don't like Barry Bonds. It has nothing to do with PED's.
I agree with KBL, though. I could totally lose the "Barry sucks" chants, if for no other reason than they're so old and tired and he clearly doesn't care.
vr, Xei
He changes the game in so many ways when he plays, but he overshadows the entire sport with an attitude that makes me grunt in disgust when he smashes a ball and waddles up the line to first. His strut, his smarky smile, his body language, it just makes me disregard him as a human being. I had no sympathy when I watched him cry a river on his short lived "Bonds on Bonds" PR show.
I respect what he can do with a bat and how dominant he's been in the middle of a line-up for two decades, but I am ready for him to be in the past already and we can all stop debating this man. He's more of a whiner than a winner. And that is what he'll be seen as in history.
Just my opinion.
I will say that I told my GiantsFanCoworker that we literally live in the only city in the US that will be excited in a positive way when Bonds breaks Aaron's record, the only city that cares or loves him. (Sigh, just my luck.) But despite that, I still don't hate him.
It is hard to cheer for jerks. I wanted to see Milton Bradley do well when he was a Dodger, but I didn't mind seeing him go at all.
As a Clipper fan, I didn't want Iverson or Artest. I like winning, but not at all costs.
Great player. Not likeable. The most dominant player of his era, steroids or not. But a classic jerk. least one of those reasons is the understandable one that he plays for the Giants, our enemies. We can be forgiven for that.
At least we're not Yankee fans. They get to see the new "greatest player ever," A-Rod, play for the home team, and they still find a way to hate him. Save a career-ending injury or just frustration at how he's treated (Barry has a thicker skin - I'll give him that), A-Rod should retire as the best hitter and (therefore) best Yankee of all time. But he'll never get a fair shake in New York.
I wonder if this has ever happened before - that a sports star is admired and respected more by fans outside his hometown than within. And not because New Yorkers "know the real A-Rod." They have nothing on him off the field. By all accounts, he's an upstanding citizen. Ingrates.
I also think, subjectively, that Barry's approach at the plate is the best I will ever see. A-Rod might break his HR record but Bonds' discipline, body control, and the adjustments he makes at the plate are as close to perfect as you're gonna get.
I also think that he gets singled out, not because of the steriods, but because of his incredibly weird personality. From what I've seen, like the Bonds on Bonds show, dude is borderline Michael Jackson crazy.
How many home runs does he have left to hit?
900 or so?
It may not have been illegal by the baseball rule book, but everyone knows that doping is cheating when it comes to athletics, plain and simple. It's been that way for more than 30 years. If that wasn't the case, why didn't Bonds or McGwire or the rest of them simply admit they were juicing at the time?
Giving tacit approval to past steroid use by shrugging one's shoulders and saying "it wasn't against the rules at the time" is a total cop-out. This is why I couldn't care less if he's clean now. Barry could've been remembered as one of the greatest players of all time. But his legacy is tainted forever now, and that's exactly what he deserves. He doesn't have anything except his own lack of character to blame for it.
As far as Jon's reasoning that Bonds should be in the HOF, only #1 is valid: He had reached the threshold for HOF status before the steroid use started. The other reasons are not. #2 is simply a specious technicality, #3 is irrelevant, and (IMO) #4 is bogus. I think there's plenty of evidence to prove that using steroids aids one's baseball ability.
It's actually too bad that Bonds set the single-season HR record (well, until A-Rod hits 90 this season) and will set the career record this summer (or maybe Spring). Like Aaron, he'll be remembered primarily for his HRs, but both were so much more than just HR hitters.
There is no hitter in baseball that I'd rather watch. Of course, I'd prefer it if his team were to lose despite his exploits.
I always appreciated watching Bonds play baseball. Even if I assume he did everything he's accused of doing, my reaction is something like, "Here's what a great ballplayer can do with on the steroid boost." It does not in any way disqualify him from the HOF in my book. Certainly, I can't bring myself to boo him.
I could also do without the Barry Sucks chant, as well as the homophobic chants that we get in the left field loge by the foul pole when the Giants are in town.
I'm starting to come around as recognizing how great Barry Bonds is, regardless of any allegations.
I agree the chant is "old and tired" but are there very many professional athletes (especially star athletes) who "care" when they are being booed by opposing fans? I think that is part of the job description of being a great player, being able to block out negativity (whether it be from fans at the game, or the media).
The "Beat LA" chant is much the same as "Barry Sucks" in regards to its old and tired nature, but I hope there aren't any Dodgers who actually are bothered by it.
1. I'm not sure the first part is possible. Yes, it's possible that he didn't use PEDs, but how would it be possible for this to "come out"? I mean, isn't that what he and his defenders have been saying all along? How could they possibly "prove" such a thing?
2. I think it's safe to say that Bonds did what many other players did, in the sense of using PEDs.
Bonds is hard to evaluate. If he winds up with 800 HR's should he have had 500 or 600 or even 800? We don't have enough information to know what the number would have been without PED's.
If all we ever know is what we know now I am going to let the record speak for itself and recognize him for the great hitter he is.
Having said that, when the debate of who the greatest hitter of all time is I won't put him on top.
If all that is both naive and inconsistent, so be it.
48 - That doesn't sound like Josh at all. If anything, he probably encouraged fans to come up with a new pro-Dodger chant to replace the anti chants.
That being said, although I disagree strongly with Jon on reasons 1 and 4, I agree completely with reasons 2 and 3. He is a product of the atmosphere that MLB tolerated and, some might say, promoted. He is a Hall of Famer, the best OF in the past twenty years and is having a fantastic start to the year.
Also, is "some might say" the same thing as "is it just me"?
With regards to Bonds position in baseball I fail to see what the issue is here as generally players need to be compared to the era that they competed in. Many good players in the 90's put up numbers that would made them great players in the 50's, yet we don't judge them to be great. Bonds happened to compete in the steroid era and was/is by far the best in his era.
That rule is apparently no longer applicable.
6, clearly say yes, let him off the hook.
2 other seem to be saying yes
3 say no
1 other seems to be saying no
3 don't care
So, it's about 2 to 1 in favor of letting Bonds off the hook. I guess I'm mildly surprised.
I saw Barry his a homer at Pac Bell Park last year ... hardest hit ball I've ever seen. It is amazing to watch him bat. He's so quick, and his batting eye is probably the best ever.
His stats in his late 30's are so out of line with everything we know about how ballplayers age that I find it hard to imagine he wasn't using PEDs. It's not as if there isn't plenty of other circumstantial evidence as well.
Is it the prevailing assumption that Bonds is clean now? I guess I wasn't aware of this, which doesn't make it not so. Frankly, I don't understand how we can say confidently if he is or isn't cheating at this point. I can't assume an answer either way. Another player I'd give the benefit of the doubt in this situation, but since Barry pretty clearly did cheat at one time, the most I can say is I won't presume he's cheating, rather than presume he's not cheating.
I guess I fall into the "don't care" camp more than any other. Barry belongs in the HOF for sure, though. I think McGwire does too.
Which of the following best describes reality:
1. No tests for HGH currently exist
2. Tests for HGH currently exist, but they're not considered "reliable enough"
3. Reliable tests for HGH currently exist, but MLB chooses not to use them
I agree that it's like the Beat LA chants, a little tired. But if we're going to get rid of tired things, let's outlaw the wave (especially during a rally, for pete's sake).
given how widespread that substance use was among both hitters and pitchers, he shouldn't be singled out
I'm not sure he's being singled out. McGwire missed the HOF on his first ballot and Palmeiro is likely going to get a similar snub.
Where I see a possible double-standard is that Sosa might be playing himself right back into the HOF just by proving he can play (even if not at an elite level) during the testing era. Bonds has put up better numbers than Sosa at an older age since testing was implemented.
I've personally thought it was wrong to lump Sosa into the steroids mess simply because of his numbers and somewhat suspect body changes. However, almost everyone else implicated was either singled out (McGwire), failed a test (Palmeiro), or had grand jury testimony leaked (Giambi and Bonds). While Sosa has been caught cheating in the past with a corked bat, it seems to great of a leap to automatically assume he did steroids.
I disagree with that. The moment pitchers and managers sensed he was vulnerable, they started going after him. And it's not as if his reputation was ever completely dependent on his usage.
Yeah, thinking back, I do think it was a pro-Dodger chant that Josh was calling for
No, it's kinda the opposite.
Yes, there is a blood test for HGH. But because antibodies necessary for the process are in such short supply, virtually no HGH testing is conducted. In addition, the test only detects HGH right after injection so it's impractical for in-competition testing. As a result, there never has been an HGH positive.
I thought pitchers and managers took way too long to sense he was vulnerable last year. Though to be fair as a fan it took me a long time to shake my Barry-fear last year. Looks like I may have to learn it again this year.
Given the current testing status, a blanket assumption that players are not using HGH seems unreasonable.
- I don't think we should let Bonds off the hook just because "everyone else was doing it". Illegal substances are still illegal, if not explicitly against the rules of the game. If we could be comprehensive in admonishing or prosecuting all players who use or used PEDs, that would be fine by me. Singling Bonds out is troublesome but practical -- it is called setting an example.
- It is hard to know if Bonds today, if clean, would be anywhere near what he is had he not ever used PEDs. If PEDs help you return from injuries, if PEDs help you build muscle... we just can't know that he'd be so good while normalizing the past six years.
I'm just suspicious that he's playing at a higher level now than before the PEDs, and that to do so is so many standard deviations beyond a) where he was before and b) where any normal 42 year old would be. Given that, there is no letting him off the hook.
It's a relevant part of the story, absolutely. But it no way should be used as justification, either for what he did, or for putting him in the HOF.
32 I think you have pretty strict standard for our sports stars. Who's your favorite player of the last 20 years? Will you stop being a fan if you learn that they were taking non-banned stimulants to enhance their performance? If so, prepare for real disappointment.
Like Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa? The summer of '98 was one of the greatest episodes in baseball history, until it was all revealed to be a fraud. We accepted it, expressed our disappointment, and got on with our lives.
To be honest, this is one of the reasons why I don't have favorite players. I just root for the laundry. Turning a human being into some kind of mythical hero leaves one exposed to being burned by that hero's all-too-human flaws.
"Matt Cain wants to be the best pitcher in the game, and he's doing what it takes to get there. I think he'll wind up pitching more no-hitters than almost anybody in the history of the game."
Answer coming up.
Then again, what fun would it be to chant "Pirates suck!" over and over again, when it's been plainly obvious by just watching them for 15 years?
Oh wait, I heard that chant too, last weekend.
I'd like to see another Eric Gagne come along, even if he's PED enhanced.
I like seeing Roger Clemens throw 100MPH at 45 yrs old.
I dont feel guilty about being entertained.
There does seem to be various postions regarding the testing of HGH, here is what the world anti doping agency has to say regarding the matter:
"A test for hGH was first introduced at the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. The test to detect hGH abuse is a blood test. The current test is reliable. The concepts and development of both hGH tests have been systematically reviewed by international independent experts in such fields as hGH, endocrinology, immunoassay, analytical chemistry, etc. In addition, these tests are the outcome of nearly US$6 million in research over the course of more than 10 years."
Here is there website
I tend to think there position is on rather solid ground.
On that note, I'd just like to add that Pete Rose also clearly belongs in the Hall of Fame.
Joe Jackson doesn't.
Given that the Hall's standards are apparently vague, sometimes loony, often both.
The quotes appear in Jayson Stark's columm, Colletti was the Asst. GM for the Giants when Cain first came up in 2005.
BTW, in Cain's short career, he has never pitched out of the bullpen.
If the league is successful in driving these drugs out of baseball, I'll be thrilled. But I'm softening my position on how the "steroid era" should be regarded. I don't know if anyone can say the best players during that period wouldn't have been the best players if the strongest stuff they used was gin. PEDs probably had more of an impact at the margins, helping a few mediocre players jump to whatever the next level was. But I don't think they could make you a star.
As for Penner: Vaya con Dios. He's lucky to make this change in a period where there is relatively more acceptance and understanding of his medical situation, but outside of James/Jan Morris (British travel writer, wrote a book about her sex reassignment surgery back in the 70s), and Renee Richards, there aren't that many prominent people who've gone through this. It won't be an easy road. He deserves every good thought.
This is especially when the chanting is the worse. You chant "Barry sucks" only to have him hit the ball so hard you end up looking like an idiot. But we forget, and half an inning later we are back to the chant while he is in the outfield.
I believe the steroid chant is what Matthews got in the exhibition games
If you read Derek Zumsteg's book on cheating in baseball, he makes a pretty good case on why Pete Rose shouldn't be in the Hall of Fame and it's not overly preachy. Basically, Zumsteg shows Rose's statements about gambling and how his stories about it have evolved over the years and it's all just one variation on the same lie.
Ken Tremendous is a Red Sox fan.
I thought his PED use negated his accomplishments and it made me angry to think about it. But the way he's come back from last year's knee surgery to resume his great hitting has persuaded me that Bonds could well be on the verge of breaking HR records today even if he'd foresworn the 'clear' and the 'creme.'
You seem to be assuming that he's now "clean", an assumption that ultimately must rest on further assumptions about Bonds' character.
Okay, I'm willing to be enlightened, I'll look for the book. Does the city provide some kind of free book service?
I'd offer to bet that it's not available in my local library, but I don't want to blow our chances for the Toaster Hall of Fame.
Wait, the basketball pools have already done it. We're out Bob. We even wagered on Sunday.
83 - I find my views on Bonds to be a bit fluid as well.
I'm somewhat on board with your line of thinking. PEDs and such allegedly have negative health effects, but so do cigarettes and donuts.
Going to tonights 51's game, Greg Miller is scheduled to start, Kemp might be starting his second rehab assignment i believe. Will have a report tomorrow on how things went. Anything special I should look out for?
Don't think I am going out on a limb by saying that no athlete has ever felt it necessary to smoke a cigarette or eat a donut in order to be able to complete with other athletes that do.
I would also point out that there is a long and distinguished history of illegal performance-enhancing drug use in baseball. Those who would tear down Bonds' achievements because steroids were illegal in the United States would also be required to do the same for greenie users like Willie Stargell and many other Hall of Famers. And, let's face it, cocaine was long used as a performance-enhancing drug, so we'd have to kick Paul Molitor and other coke users out of the HOF too. (My own belief is that the drug laws of this country are so comically irrelevant that they should have no bearing whatsover on analyzing baseball.)
I always hated Barry Bonds early in his career. But the smug, condescending, and above all ignorant treatment of him by mainstream sportswriters has managed the remarkable feat of driving me into Bonds' corner. Every columnist seems contractually obligated to write at least three or four columns a year spitting on Bonds. That would be fine, if they actually used logical, reasonable, defensible arguments. Instead, they make no arguments at all; they usually just make a few lame jokes at his expense and throw in a few lazily composed passages of moral outrage. I am far, far more disturbed by the media's one-sided and often unethical jihad against Bonds than I am by the fact that Bonds may have taken steroids.
If you've ever read any of the medical research on steroids, you know that even experts disagree on the nature of their effects. But there is no evidence, none, that using steroids can make someone a great baseball player. Personally, I find the very idea laughable. I think we've seen that it can make an already great player better, but steroids do not teach one how to judge the strike zone, or how to tell from the spin whether a pitch is a fastball or a curveball. They are at the very most a supplement to one's skills, not the basis for the skill itself. Barry Bonds is, always was, and always will be a Hall of Famer and one of the greatest hitters of all time whether he took steroids or not.
Even if one does buy that PEDs have an inordinate impact on a player's ability, where do we draw the line? Andro used to be legal in baseball; now it's not. Did its morality change overnight? What about Creatine? Protein shakes? Vitamins? PowerBars? Where does it end?
My final point is that, let's face it, we created this mess. You and I. Baseball fans. We asked for it, demanded it even. Fans go to baseball games to see home runs, period. We may not like that fact, but do not doubt that it is a fact. Whenever home run rates go up, attendance goes up, and teams make more money. That is an irrevocable fact; as a long-ago Dodger once said, you could look it up. Teams therefore place special attention on signing players who hit home runs, thereby jacking up the salaries for sluggers. Players juice up to make more money and meet the fans' demands. Fans are complicit in all this. We loved the '98 home run chase even though we knew at the time Mark McGwire was putting funny stuff into his body, which was reported during that season by the Associated Press. And we still flocked to the games, we still bought all the products he endorsed, we still fostered the atmosphere that made a known PED user a national hero, and then all of a sudden we changed our minds, treating McGwire and Sosa and Bonds like they were child molesters. It's weird.
Anything special I should look out for?
re: miller
-what is his arm slot? how consistent is he with it?
-fastball velocity and movement
-what breaking pitches is he throwing? curve, slider or both?
-how often is he using his change up?
That's more of an argument for why PEDs should be against baseball rules than why they should be illegal. I was talking about why the government should/shouldn't proscribe their use.
The NFL is the worst offender, since there is no stigma attatched to steroid use (at least there wasn't for Merriman) but marijuana has ridiculous penalties and a scarlet W (for weedhead) associated with it. The worst drugs in such a system aren't the ones that are really bad for you, or the ones that create an unfair playing field, instead it is the drug that is the easiest to get caught doing. Marijuana stays in a habitual users system for a urine test for something like a month, HGH apparently never shows up in urine.
Actually, a friend of mine once cracked me up with a silly chant aimed at Barry, that was something along the lines of "Barry-farry-fo-farry-banana-fanna-foo-farry.. Fe, fi, fo... Steroids" - or something. I'm paraphrasing, and, hey, I said it was silly, but at least it was different. I feel like if Barry had heard it, even he might have cracked up.
Right now I'm less worried about chants than I am about the Dodgers' tonight, especially after all the "Oh Russ Ortiz is pitching" jinxes in the comments last night. ;-)
Free? As opposed to what, the Santa Clara Country Pay-Per-Use Library?
"As a vegetarian, I was happy to see no meat in the lineup. (Obscure joke for the true Dodger fans.)"
I guess I am no longer a true Dodger fan.
Ok so are you making the agruement that PEDs (and just about every substance) should be legal or that cigarettes and donuts should be illegal?
Please keep in mind that I really like donuts.
Also it is probably worth noting that Woodland Hills and all California beaches are making the arguement regarding cigarettes.
In the old days, there were subscription libraries and you had to pay the organization running it to use it. Then governments started free libraries. Some of them still have that name.
The central library for Baltimore is the Enoch Pratt Free Library.
1. Bonds dressed in drag last spring in order to humiliate Mike Penner. He knew about him/her long before anyone else, it was his personal revenge against sportwriters in general.
2. I've seen his fat head's shadow on the grassy knoll in the JFK assasination footage. I'm not sure how a shadow can smirk, but his does.
3. If you really think about it, 9 minus 1 minus 1 equals 7. Barry's number is 25. 2 plus 5 is seven. I think Barry's involved in the planning and execution of the 9/11 attacks too.
I'm guessing she's referring to Bete-meat
There's no such thing as a free book.
In the foreseeable future, athletes with access to cutting edge technology will be able to utilize genetic engineering to make themselves stronger instead of using drugs. Assuming that the international anti-doping agencies will ban these treatments, we are probably heading for a testing regime that will disqualify athletes based on their genetic code.
What if buy a book and then hand it to you at your convenience? You expend nothing. Not even opportunity cost!
I'm suggesting that if PEDs are being made illegal because they're harmful, such logic should apply to other things as well, especially since PEDs have positive health benefits as well.
PEDs > Cigarettes
PEDs and Cigarettes both bad, don't know which is worse.
I'm going to switch my allegiance to the Gattaca All-Stars then.
Nicotine itself could be considered a performance-enhancing drug, since it aids memory and concentration. That's why I chain-smoke when I play chess.
Cigarettes are awesome.
Do your opponents feel pressured to smoke so as to keep up with you?
-Make you look cool, especially when accompanied by a leather jacket.
-Third best pickup line ever: "Do you have a light?" involves a cigarette (number one is "You're with me, leather" and number two is "Wanna touch my burrito?").
-Smoke rings.
-Make you talk like a real man, at least until you get a tracheotomy, then you talk like a robot (so this is like a double good thing).
-They smell great.
-If you get the soft pack then you can learn that cool tap thing where you put the cigarette directly in your mouth and then casually brush your pompadour back.
Can PEDs really compete with all of that?
Jon doesn't like redundancy but I've pointed out in the past whenever this comes up that HGH unlike steroids does not help the major league baseball player in the same way. Will Carrol from BP linked to the information that Andy Andres (HQ Writer) has used when refuting the media that HGH is still making a mockery of baseball. I was lucky enough to attend a seminar put on by Andy and his information was quite compelling in showing how anabolic steroids help a major league baseball player and how HGH DOESN'T. He didn't run any of these test himself but used information from testing done at UCLA and other institutions. Below is a quick bio of this guy and link to a chat he did at BP. I'm only posting this because I get tired of the new PED arguments about HGH and how HGH isn't being tested. It is quite possible HGH use is prevalent, but the data shows that the results for a ballplayer don't come close to the performance boost from anabolic steroids.
Andy Andres (Data analyst) teaches what is likely one of the first ever college courses in Baseball Analysis and Sabermetrics at Tufts University in Medford, MA. When not spending time scheming victory in the very competitive Boston Baseball League, he also teaches biology at Boston University and Harvard College. Andy is a diehard Red Sox Fan and lives in Cambridge, MA with his wife, Kate, and their three children, Maddie, Aubree, and Griffin. He also plays 3B for the Jumbo's Peanut Surprise in various Tufts Softball Leagues, and has been schooled at Universities Brown, Harvard, and Tufts.
I'm OK with Bonds in HOF. Not OK with Rose in.
In happier news, it was as if the "light came on" with my 5 year old last night: all of the sudden he just started fielding fungoe grounders correctly. I didn't say anything-- he just started doing it. It was for me the coolest thing in a long, long time.
DL: A hot topic is Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which is reportedly replacing anabolic steroids in a lot of locker rooms. How effective is HGH?
The rest of this article is restricted to Baseball Prospectus Subscribers.
123 They smell great Only prior to ignition. Now, some cigars and pipe tobaccos smell great while burning.
I wonder if a player taking prescribed steroids as an asthma medication would run into problems with a drug test.
Talked to DeJon again tonight, and there was nothing new. This doesn't sound like anything serious. If anyone cares, I did learn that Tim Hamulack was on the Vegas DL last week with some injury, but he's back now.
his next scheduled start is tomorrow so we'll see if he pitches again.
Well I'm certainly not intimidating anyone with my chess moves.
All the talk of steroids does make wonder what will happen to the bodies of athletes who took them, later on in life? Will their bodies collapse, will they be prone to weird ailments...? Doesn't seem like it's doing any good for your body's longterm health, even separate from debating what boosts it gives you short term.
I have heard that he doesn't want to go to the NL, but I bet he could be convinced.
Let's say the Dodgers are beating the Cubs 7-5 after 8 innings at Chicago.
Broxton finished the 8th inning. The Dodgers score 2 in the top of the 9th and Saito comes in during the bottom of the inning with the score 9-5. The skies open up and the umpires call the game.
With the game reverting to the 8th, does Broxton get credit for a save?
If the point hasn't been made yet, I think a lot of ballplayers in past decades thought smoking kept them alert and their reflexes sharp during long games.
Or this guy?
The game wouldn't revert back to the 8th. It would as a 9-5 final. There would be no save.
*may not be the real definition
Has Seo ever been good? It must be hard even for him to remember.
Jon, I appreciate the points you made in your post, but only number one resonates with me very strongly, and I am not inclined to let Barry off the hook. I likewise admire Eric's dispassionate analysis: I cannot pretend that part of my personal distaste for Bonds, and my lack of impartiality when evaluating the media's response to him, is not colored by the fact that he is a Giant and that he's such a prickly personality. (I don't think I can ever really forgive him for that obnoxious little pirouette he did after hitting a homerun against the Dodgers.) I do not apply the same standard to Barry as to other players. There is no question, however, that he is a marvel to behold.
That said, I feel as though there is no getting around this simple fact: at an age when players are lucky if they are gently declining into their dotage, Barry not only maintained his indisputably HOF-level of play, but improved upon it. In fact, in his age 36-39 seasons, he went on the greatest hitting rampage ever, posting 4 of the top 10 OPS+ seasons of all-time (including taking spots 1-3). (His slackish age 35 season in 2000 was only good for 90th on the list.) His "only" other appearance in the top 100 were from his age 27 and 28 seasons, or those when players most typically peak. In fact, of the top 100 OPS+ seasons, only 30 were achieved by players who were 30 years or older. If Bonds were somehow able to finish this year as he's started it, he would have five of the top ten seasons, all achieved at the age of 36 or later. To my mind, even the most impartial person would find these numbers worthy of deep suspicion.
ToyCannon, I am the farthest thing from an expert on HGH as there could be, but the discussion in the interview you cited seems to me to be incomplete at best. In particular, it doesn't address (the perhaps equally specious) arguments that HGH is a "fountain of youth", a claim that seems particularly salient when discussing the late-career performance of a player, like Bonds.
But people who smoke with their stoma are sad, pathetic addicts who are to be pitied; they are not cool. My mother-in-law essentially smoked (in the usual manner) herself to death, unable to quit despite her chronic emphysematic condition, despite being hooked up to O2 tanks constantly. Sad, not cool.
You have to record at least one out to get a save.
That was a new rule added this year. However, no one ever got a save without recording an out before that loophole was removed.
Unlike many subjects, I guess I feel qualified to joke about this because I have smoked a few butts in my day, and will smoke some more in my future. I probably smoke 1-2 a month, if that. Not good for me, but not like what happened to your mom. There is a tipping point (Gladwell said 4 a day in "The Tipping Point") where cigarettes go from guilty pleasure to "life destroyer."
I know the rule sounds axiomatic but Rule 4.11 states:
"The score of a regulation game is the total number of runs scored by each team at the moment the game ends."
The Dodgers and Angels had a tie game in spring training last year when the umpires pulled the "inning not completed" rule completely out of thin air.
No matter the answer the fact she choose such a comparable name will result in some misidentifications by many people in the future. I hope Christine does not have orange/red hair.
I believe Andy Garcia does that in "Dead Again." I also believe that it warped my fragile teenage mind.
As a Yankee fan I'm glad we have no single all-purpose equivalent of "Yankees suck" for the Red Sox--we're telling them that they aren't important enough for said chant, which strikes me as the right attitude to have toward the "hated rival"...
Phil Hughes start tonight--if he disappoints, I'll expect commenters here to start coming up with fantasy packages including Gonzo, Pierre, etc--
Good luck to Hughes tonight. Hope he does well. Be nice to see them get a real pitching prospect out there rather than the Karstens of the world. There probably will be someone on here creating a Hughes trade no matter how he does, but don't worry, the last thing the Dodgers need is yet more fine pitching prospects. They need hitting. (If you want to talk A-Rod we'll listen. ;-)
At least Brandon will get a trip to Chicago and stay in a nicest hotel room he ever has as a professional baseball player. MLB per diem too!
Actually, when she says it, it's somehow hot.
I've said too much.
What's the difference between steroids and HGH? For starters, we know that a baseball player can beef up on steroids and improve his athletic performance. But most clinical studies suggest that HGH won't help an athlete at all .So far, no one has been able to connect the increase in lean body tissue caused by HGH with enhancement of athletic performance. Unlike steroids, growth hormone hasn't been shown to increase weight-lifting ability; in the lab, it has a greater effect on muscle definition than muscle strength. And it doesn't seem to help much with cardiovascular fitness, either.
So how is parking situation now for those who have been going and where was that free parking/shuttle again???
Anyway, this is probably amusing only to me, bu t given the general consensus that Bonds did use some kind of substance on his skin - "linseed oil" or whatever - I wonder if we could just hire this guy down on the street to chant "Boddyyyyyyyy oilllll" from the stands of Dodger Stadium when the Giants are in town.
My response to the argument that Aaron never used steroid is that he also never had to hit off a pitcher who used steroids.
I do not remember that guy, but did you hear the guy with no legs who rode the skateboard got hit by a mail truck and died? Very sad. He was a fixture in SF.
You were thinking of flax-seed oil by the way, which is something I take and it does not help build muscle at all.
There is no free shuttle. You can park outside the stadium along Academy Drive. I plan on leaving for the game at 5:30 from Pasadena, and that should be plenty of time to park outside, walk for half a mile, and to save $15.
Every game I go to I see more changes that make more sense. Last they didn't allow you to turn right as you exited the Sunset entrance onto Scott road. This makes a difference because cars would try to turn right and have to wait for pedestrians to cross the street and they would back up the right lane. Now that they can't turn right the lane keeps moving. Little things like that.
Okay, you nailed those guys but now where to?
Nomar? Gagne? Rocket? Ganzo? IF I had the ability to know exactly who used, I would keep them all out of the Hall, but I don't and no one does. Not to mention that Bonds would have qualified for Cooperstown even if he never met Victor Conti.
Finally, truth be told the only guys getting screwed are Aaron, A-ROD and Pujlos. Everyone else knows Bonds, while the best player of his generation, would not have broken the record without the PEDs. Aaron loses his his esteamed place in history but he probably would lose it to A-Rod or Pujlos anyway. Now A-Rod and Pujlos will have to go a little further to get it. I'm guessing Bonds ends this season around 763ish. The real question is does he retire or go for 800. Barring injury I think he goes for and gets it. (Sorry to say)
I'm with Jon on this, when I get home it would easy to show the impact that players who were not allowed to play had on the game from 47 on. Probably very easy to say the that the greatest 100 players from 47 on were at least 50% unable to play before 1947.
I am sad because I never even thought of that possibility, and I think you are correct.
And because of MLBs ignorance all the players racist or not should be asterisked?
Or only the known racists.
So should all players during the RoiD era be asterisked? Or only the known Roid users.
Seems to me these two situations are light years away from eachother. Racism and drug use are completely different things.
Right, flaxseed oil, thanks.
I'm sure players just use that and a spoonful of castor oil and that's all the supercalifragilisticexpealidociousness they need.
1) A pitcher having to face Barry Bonds on drugs vs. Barry Bonds clean
2) A pitcher having to face Josh Gibson vs. having to face the worst white player in the game.
See the difference?
It's curious to me that Pujols and A-Rod get a waiver here somehow. If we are OK with assuming the guilt of other great hitters, why do they get a pass?
I agree. If Alex Sanchez is on roids, how can you tell who is and who is not on it? The guys who gain large amounts of muscle and size are just the obvious ones.
On the point of which was greater, I'm not as sure are you are but it's moot. Lot of things have had an effect and there's no point in putting an asterisk next to any of them.
Instead I try to appreciate what Bonds (and the rest of the transcendent players of today) and try not to worry about how they're doing it.
Ultimately, I think I'd like the players to be clean, but I don't lose much sleep over it.
I do think that Bud Selig is doing a tremendous disservice to the game by ignoring Bonds pursuit of the record. If he chooses not to acknowledge the record, I feel he owes the public an explanation as a representative of the game.
Why did he hit so many triples? Because Forbes Field was cavernous at the time Wilson played and he could hit the ball there and run fast.
If Wilson had been playing in a smaller park, say Fenway Park, would Wilson have his unusual record?
What about all the crazy NL hitting records of 1930? What about 1893 and 1894 when pitchers were trying to adjust to the 60'6" distance?
The game of baseball has not and never will be played where the statistics don't have to be put into context.
Actually, I think LAT says it quite well in 217.
bonds' attitude (and the public persception thereof) has interesting historical precedents, e.g., see ty cobb. there is a steroid era, and we are still in it.
-No asterisks in the record books.
-Bonds belongs in the Hall of Fame.
-I don't like Bonds personally.
-I don't approve of drug use in baseball, but drug use has been a widespread part of baseball for decades.
-Don't change the record books. We don't take things out of history books that we don't like. History is history. That has nothing to do with whether you approve of what happened or not.
Im also praying to god that the top of our order starts to be more selective. The SF bullpen is god awful. There's no good excuse that Matt Morris made it to the 8th on Tuesday and Lowry pitched 7.1 innings last night.
I do not like Bonds.
I think if he is let in the hall he should have a plaque explaining that his accomplishments were due more to science than skill.
Steroids belong in our meat not in our athletes.
Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
Try different keywords.
Try more general keywords.
Try fewer keywords.
Furcal will play better but I´m not sure about Betemit, I lost my faith on him. I think that Grady should at least try La Roche out.
Unless LaRoche is absolutely tearing up Vegas Alex Gordon-style (the minor league version), I see no need to make any drastic changes right now.
I go into the plumbing systems of the Pirates and Giants and collect haird samples from the older pipes. I analyze the samples and determine which ones belong to Bonds, I then create a timeline. I test the hairs for different things that would prove my point and then compare those findings to Bonds increases in performance throughout the year.
Then I would report my findings to you witha clever one liner.
Science does not enable you to make contact with a baseball traveling 90+ mph. Skill does.
I despise Bonds for the person he is first, the fact that he's a Giant second, and then the fact that he used substances third. The guy is one of the best all around players EVER. It doesn't bother me that he used "Roids" to eclipse a single season home run record. What he did prior to the "roidage" is proof enough that he was "the man". Now I have to go and put my head in a hole for defending one of the people of this world I hate the most. Next post, I'll be defending the two casts of "Flavor of Love"...........
I got the 2001 eclipse spyder convertible. Black and Tan(top): like my drink.
If I don't see ya there, I'll meet you at the outside grill on the 3b loge level for a steak sandwich.
I think that Barry and Marvin Bernard both used steroids. I don't think Marvin belongs in the Hall; Barry presents a more complicated problem. I would not mind a citizenship requirement for the Hall, but clearly Cap Anson and Ty Cobb are both in the Hall, so citizenship by itself should not keep Barry out. About the only thing I can say is that I am glad that I am not a Giants fan. If I was, I don't think I would be a Barry Bonds fan.
Stan from Tacoma
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