Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
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1) using profanity or any euphemisms for profanity
2) personally attacking other commenters
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4) arguing for the sake of arguing
5) discussing politics
6) using hyperbole when something less will suffice
7) using sarcasm in a way that can be misinterpreted negatively
8) making the same point over and over again
9) typing "no-hitter" or "perfect game" to describe either in progress
10) being annoyed by the existence of this list
11) commenting under the obvious influence
12) claiming your opinion isn't allowed when it's just being disagreed with
As some of you might know, I grew up a Rams fan. My dad's family moved from Chicago to Los Angeles in 1950 and got Ram tickets almost immediately, keeping them until 1982. We spent one season trying to get from Woodland Hills to Anaheim before giving them up and devoting ourselves to the Dodgers – a decision I have never regretted.
I continued to follow the NFL closely through the 1990s, carving time out for it without a second thought, but eventually as my life got more complicated, it became one of the things I phased out. I haven't watched a regular-season NFL game from start to finish in a few years now.
I was thinking yesterday that if it had been the Dodgers who had moved away from me, I probably would have stopped being a baseball fan. It's not that I don't love the sport of baseball more than the sport of football, but my passion for the Dodgers is probably more important. If I still had an NFL team to root for, I'd still be with the sport. And frankly, my life would be a little easier. How much less of a logistical nightmare is it to devote Sundays, Monday nights and the occasional Thursday or Saturday to watching games than six or seven days a week.
At the last NFL game I went to, about 10 or 15 years ago in Anaheim, I was stunned by how bored I was. The stoppages in play made baseball seem fast-paced by comparison. For most of the game, there's a play, and then you wait a minute for the next play. Nevertheless, I know there are thrilling moments and thrilling games that I'm missing by cutting the NFL out of my life.
And then there's a game like Monday night's San Diego-Colorado thriller, and football becomes the last thing on my mind.
* * *
So, you know that home-plate camera on the Dodgers' Prime Ticket telecasts? The one that gives you a mostly dirt's-eye view of the plate that is mostly useless. Would that have come in handy at the end of the game?
I wasn't able to watch all of the game on TV, but I thought the TBS announcers were an improvement over the usual postseason gasbags. They were low-key until they weren't supposed to be, instead of treating every pitch like they were introducing pro wrestlers. And considering how many exciting plays there were, they really kept their cool.
But what a great way to finish the regular season, and what a wide-open postseason the National League has. Monday, Alex Belth asked me who I thought would win, and my reply was that the postseason picture had changed so much at the last minute, I hadn't even begun to think about it. Given that the Dodgers are out of it, I don't know when I've been more interested in the NL playoffs in recent years. (Bad Altitude and The Griddle have more on the game, the end of the regular season and the start of the playoffs.
I'll be rooting for the Cubs, because of how long my dad has been waiting for them to return to the World Series. (He attended the last Cubs' World Series appearance, as a 10-year-old in 1945.) But I definitely have a soft spot for Colorado, a state I love visiting with a team that has provided baseball a great story.
* * *
I updated the salary information in Monday's post a little bit, mostly with more payments to discarded players. Still not sure about everything. One major question is whether Rafael Furcal was getting paid (including bonuses) $9 million in 2007 and $17 million in 2008, or $13 million each year. I can't find any evidence that it's not the latter, but feel free to point me to it.
Furcal also is owed a deferred $4 million in 2009, after his contract expires.
Update: I cleared up my confusion about Furcal. His salary for 2008 is $13 million. He gets that bonus of $4 million at some undetermined point before the 2009 season - I'm going to put that down for 2009 itself.
* * *
Song I have fallen in love with: "Girls in Their Summer Clothes," from Bruce Springsteen's newest album. That and "Falling Slowly" from the Once soundtrack are my two favorite songs of the year.
* * *
Update: From Tony Jackson of the Daily News:
Tony Abreu will undergo surgery tomorrow to repair a sports hernia. He is expected to be fully healed in six to eight weeks and then resume his normal offseason conditioning, which should leave him fully ready to go by the start of spring training. ... The MRI on (Rafael) Furcal's left ankle showed nothing serious, he won't need surgery, and he is expected to be at full strength by the start of spring training after resting and rehabbing during the winter.
That answers a lingering Furcal question, and here's hoping that all the doubts about Abreu will be taken care of.
It is funny that you brought up the football thing because I said the same thing to a co-worker yesterday. My family was really only into Baseball and Soccer, so I was never much of a football fan, but I do wish we had a team in LA that I could watch once a week. It really seems like being a football fan would be a lot easier than being a baseball fan. You could get all hyped up for that one game, put on your jersey, and invite some friends over to watch the game. It just sounds pretty fun. Oh well.
The TBS Broadcast was done very well last night; and I appreciated them taking a couple of commercial breaks out and using the time for "game breaks" with Cal Ripken Jr.
And finally, what a game!
I can only hope that Gwynn makes the other two be quiet.
I had to wait for it...! That made it exciting.
It's funny, just late last night, as I was watching part of a football game on NFL Network - one of those condensed games - which is the best way to watch a game, with all the boring downtime cut out, I started thinking that as much as I love pro football, and I do... it always makes me laugh when I hear some American denigrate soccer as boring. Attending an NFL game live was so freaking boring I couldn't stand it. Soccer at least is nonstop action. There may not be a lot of scoring but it's a game of movement, constant movement. Football is a lot of in between time which is okay on television but in person it's awfully torturous. Baseball in person can be slow too but it's like a symphony with moments of bombast, many of them in last night's game.
"Matt Kemp would have gunned you down Matt Holliday, and you can bet Russ would have hung on to that ball."
Again, ridiculous I know, but I have to find something happy to focus on these Dodgerless days.
Love the Inside the NBA crew: Barkley, The Jet and Johnson, Ernie, that is.
The NBA Broadcast team is also good: Marv Albert is as good as it gets.
I liked their Pac 10/Big 12 coverage that they used to have.
Braves games were pretty well done, until they let Don Sutton go and added Chip.
They finished at .98925.
The Red Sox last year were .9891
How did I miss this post in over 2 years? I have an anti Coletti scrapbook with Depo's pitcher on the front (joking). If I did this one goes into the "intro section"
I looked throught the DT archive and didn't see us talk about this article at the time, I may have missed it.
My predictions for the postseason:
Cubs over AZ, PHI over COL
BOS over LAA, CLE over NYY
PHI over Cubs, BOS over CLE
BOS over PHI in WS
signed 3-year deal worth 39M thru 2008 season on 12/7/05- + he receives a 5M signing bonus and salaries of 4M in 2006 and then 13M each year in 2007 and 2008- + he receives an additional payment of 4M before the 2009 season
I personally counted this as 9,13,17 but it could also be seen as 9,13,13,4. Furcal recievied nine million in 2006, not 2007.
To see the Cubs within 5 outs of the World Series again would be so DELICIOUS!
Rooting for Cleveland to win the World Series would have the same effect and that's more likely to happen.
The announcers on TBS were WONDERFUL compared to the dip sticks on fox and espn. I hope TBS gets more playoff games in the future and the networks start hiring more radio announcers from the teams themselves. Like when Vin used to call the playoffs for the radio and tv. The Dodger and Angel radio guys would be so much better to listen to.
Boston over Los Angeles of Anaheim
Cleveland over New York
Cleveland over Boston
Philadelphia over Colorado (the fifth game lasts 12 innings!)
Arizona over Chicago
Philadelphia over Arizona
Cleveland over Philadelphia
Phils are more balanced. Could be some really fun games with all the big bats.
If the Cubs can keep ReDempster out of high leverage situations and give those innings to Marmol, they're easily the favorites.
The Rockies are unstoppable and like the 88 Dodgers, the Rockies seem destined to become the World Champs.
I mean, you play 162 or 163 games to get to the playoffs, what is two more to win a series? It takes a deeper team to win four of seven than three of five.
Boston over LAA
NY over Cleveland
NY over Boston
Chicago over Arizona
Colorado over Philadelphia
Colorado over Chicago
NY over Colorado
I was wondering for a minute there that you thought that the Cubs were superior to the Red Sox.
Are you getting the 40-pound discbox version or the "free" download/donation version of In Rainbows?
There were two pretty big homer judgement calls by the official scorer: Tulowitzki bobbled a grounder that he made a nice play to get to, but he still bobbled it, and the Holliday misplay was clearly a two-base error and not a double. In fact of the three plays I thought Carroll's (he knocked down a Scott Hairston screamer, retrived it, and drew Todd Helton slightly off the bag with a quick throw) was the least deserving of an error.
A best-of-seven DS is fine with me, but I don't like to spend my Veterans Day watching the World Series.
1. Colorado
2. Philadelphia
3. Arizona
4. Cleveland
5. Chicago
6. Los Angeles of Anaheim
7. Yankees
8. Red Sox
It might really help if everyone here could send similar letters to him - it only takes a few minutes, and could really have a big influence on what the team does this off-season. The address by the way is:
LA Dodgers, 1000 Elysian Park Av, LA 90012.
Luck already plays a huge role in the post-season, and while that's fine -- there's not really any way around it -- doing what we can to tone down the luck is a good thing.
Jon... My Dad was also a 10 year old in 1945, going to the World Series in Chicago to root for the Cubs.
...and he now lives in Woodland Hills.
(Though he and my Mom didn't move to LA until 1962, I think).
A 3-game tiebreaker again brings up the specter of a Veterans Day World Series game.
In a place like Chicago or Cleveland.
The regular-season schedule needs to be shortened. And while I'm at it, get rid of the unbalanced schedule.
Some people fret that shortening the schedule would make existing records obsolete. But many of these same fretters fret that steroids have tarnished existing records. If we are truly in a roid-free era now, why not shorten the schedule and start with a whole set of new roid-free records?
If Ned took advice from fans no matter how well meaning I'd be very disappointed.
The McCourts on the other hand, should always consider the fans opinions.
Thanks, that is an extremely prescient post.
Too bad for us the first 5 turned McCourt down. They couldn't have been worse than what we ended up with.
I do think Colletti and Little will both be gone after next season if we don't make the playoffs in '08.
the Rockies have been playing insanely great baseball for a few weeks now though, in the back of my mind I'm thinking there gonna bust an Angels 2002. In my honest opinion I think it's a toss up between those 2, I feel they both have great hitting (in hitter friendly ballparks) & marginal pitching, it's gonna be a fun series that's for sure.
Ps the Phillies have a better up the middle defense then the Rox in my opinion only because Cameron is still hurt but we'll see how that plays out. Tulowzki has an aboslutley SICK glove at SS, really fun to watch.
Okay , then send your letters to McCourt - it sure couldn't hurt....
My grandfather and Jackie Robinson were born in the same year but 10 months apart. Not sure if they would have been on the same team but I'm going to try and find out. I emailed the high school and hope to get a look at their old yearbooks. Wow. Hopefully I'll get proof so I'll be able to proclaim to my kids, "Your great grand-pappy played high school ball with Jackie Robinson!"
Especially the Atkins hit.
1. Interleague play would be done (they are, after all, two different leagues)
2. the unbalanced schedule would be done (it made sense if only you had to win your division to make the playoffs, now, with the wild card, it makes little sense)
3. the league offices would be restored
4. astroturf would be illegal
5. division series would be seven games, extra time made up with all teams playing double headers on Independence Day, Memorial Day, and maybe Labor Day.
Try the high school's alumni association instead of the school:
err, nevermind the Cameron playing for the Rockies thing...
the Rockies have the better up the middle defense, sorry, when it ain't the Dodgers I get players confused, oops.
The Rockies generally have better defense everywhere on the field than most teams.
I'd nuke the DH...
All of your points have some merit except the part about the two league offices.
From a business standpoint, the game doesn't need an extra level of arbitrary bureaucracy.
62 - the commissioner's office would be reduced to an executive suite... probably in California because New York's not my home. So it wouldn't really be an extra level, it would be like it use to be.
62 - the commissioner's office would be reduced to an executive suite... probably in California because New York's not my home. So it wouldn't really be an extra level, it would be like it use to be.
62 - the commissioner's office would be reduced to an executive suite... probably in California because New York's not my home. So it wouldn't really be an extra level, it would be like it use to be.
That's actually who I contacted. Apparently they have a museum and they forwarded my email to the museum's curator. So hopefully I'll be able to schedule a visit.
Also, re: Bullpen Thoughts from the last thread, this from
[J. C.] Romero is a free agent after the season, but would be thrilled to return to the Phillies in 2008.
"I've enjoyed everything about being in Philadelphia," said Romero, who has a slim 1.99 ERA. "I've enjoyed my time here."
1) No more interleague play
2) Instant Replay challenge rule. If a manager wants to challenge a play, umpires watch instant replay camera. If correct, the play is overturned, and the umpire who overthrew the play cannot personally eject the manager. If the manager is wrong, the opposing manager gets to select the player of his choice to be ejected.
By the way, I saw this interesting article on an Angel blog where they talk about the myths of the best team winning the world series, momentum heading into the playoffs and home field advantage. It's on the front page:
Kind of interesting. I guess you want to win a lot of games, but not TOO many? :)
Based on what? I have no idea if he scored oer not -- the replays didn't seem conclusive at all. I didn't see one where you could actually see his hand and/or the plate.
Am I missing something?
As opposed to? It's available via Directv now if that's what you have.
But that homerun call was egregious. Not saying the umps should've corrected themselves (if no one saw it, no one saw it), but the replay was pretty obvious.
arizona, philly, boston, & cleveland win first round
philly & boston win second round
boston wins it all
Arizona and Colorado in the NL (though I think Colorado and Philly go 5 games), Colorado winning the pennant.
Angels beat the Rockies in 6.
I think the Angels actually have the best offense for the playoffs - against the better pitching staffs, homeruns are less likely, and therefore the need to manufacture runs is more important, and the Angels are good at that.
17 - Thanks. I feel that if it was intended for the Dodgers to pay the $4 million in 2008, that would have been specified. "Before the 2009 season" seems designed to have them postpone the payment until the latest possible point.
80, 89 - Have you heard the Frames' version of "Falling Slowly"?
95 Why on earth?
Prediction: Colorado will win the WS. If I'm wrong on this one, I will cease forever the making of predictions about sporting events.
Sadly, I have Dish. It is not listed on their website, but that does not mean it isn't in the new programming. I will check when I get home for lunch.
Re: Gasbags. I admit, I don't really look forward to Chip Caray's annoying habit of sounding like Charley Steiner in describing every fly ball as though it could be a home run. But he loves the game and at least does it all year, unlike a certain Fox pbp man who views post-season as an opportunity to show how bored he is with the game and how attuned he is to pop culture.
Re: Umpires. Joe Sheehan is a moron who knows nothing about umpiring. Tim McClelland is consistently rated at or near the top by players and managers. Was the runner safe? I don't know, but I know he worked the same game he always works.
This rotten time
Wouldn't seem so bad to me now
Oh, if I didn't die
I should be satisfied
I survived
That's good enough for now...
Right now my favorite new song is called "The Fizzy and the still" by Mark Knopfler
I'll nominate something off the new Jens Lekman record, but it is hard for me to choose a favorite.
1. The ability for commenters to embed images and video.
2. The ability for Jon to make scads of money from it so he can quit his day job.
The best part of Sheehan's column was the part about Hoffman.
I really didn't think he had another good album in him. But this seems to be one.
My other favorite new song (and believe me, I'm not a good source of information on the latest pop trends) is the New Pornographer's "Mutiny I Promise You" from "Challengers." The CD is fantastic. It's a lot less frenetic than what they've done in the past. The title song, sung by Neko Case, is also a highlight. Lovely.
And let's not forget Amy Winehouse. She might be TMZ fodder now, but her "Rehab" song and the "You Know I'm No Good" are great.
I say keep the season @ 162 games, but bring back weekend doubleheaders.
I love "Challengers." It's definitely a quieter record than their previous three.
Back in the 70s, you could tell when your favorite rock star had fallen in love. Suddenly their music got a lot softer and gooier. There's a little of that going on -- more mandolins, banjos and violins for example -- but A.C. Newman continues to be the greatest Brian Wilson heir as a songwriter and arranger, and his vocal arrangements with Neko still give you chills.
However, I was glad that at their show in Hollywood was a loud show, and that they performed most of the new stuff with the same intensity as their older stuff. "All the Old Showstoppers" and "All the Things That Go to Make Heaven and Earth" came off particularly well in concert, as did the Dan Bejar tune "Myriad Harbor."
When I got the new album, it needed several listens for me to love it -- just like Twin Cinema did, and Electric Version, and Mass Romantic. And there are still things about it that I find disappointing -- I do wish there was a tune in which they really got rocking -- only Mutiny I Promise You and All of the Things that Go to Make Heaven and Earth really get going, and even those aren't as pleasing to me as, say, Sing Me Spanish Techno or The Laws Have Changed, to say nothing of Letter from an Occupant.
That said, though they might be in a slower, more contempletive mood, that suits Ms. Case, and the songs she's on shine. I love Challengers and Go Places, and she turns them out well. The opening track is also not so terrible, though I'm not sure that the refrain ("A new empire in rags / the truth in one free afternoon") is as memorable as that on some other NP tracks.
Also, Dan Bejar's tunes are among his best NP tracks -- yes, up there with Testament to Youth in Verse, which is high praise in my book. I'm not a huge Destroyer fan, but his stuff for the NPs is rich and strange.
In other words, I like their album and recommend it.
Oh, and they absolutely rocked the house two weeks ago. That concert made me very, very happy.
I can't believe that Alyssa Milano isn't advertising here at least. We are so nice to her!
I'm distancing myself from Alyssa now that she endorsed Kevin Kennedy as manager.
I don't mind a quieter record than their previous releases, so it could be that I need to listen to it more thatn the few times that I have passively. I agree with you that their records take a few listens to get into sometimes because when I first was turned onto them by my friend a few years ago I didn't like them much, but then suddenly out of nowhere, I would have a hankering for listening to their tunes.
That live show was wonderful and i was pleased to see Neko with them because I was told that she rarely tours with them.
I saw that. It hurt.
Oh, that and handclaps.
Silv (NY, NY): Okay, so the Dodgers would have to be absolutely crazy to deal Matt Kemp, regardless of his baserunning faults, no? Is he not a Mini-Manny in the making or am I blind?
Jay Jaffe: Kemp's baserunning faults are overrated relative to his skill with the lumber. To suggest otherwise is to fly in the face of everything we know about how runs are created. Yes, outs on the basepaths are important, but roughly speaking they have an impact that's an order of magnitude lower (1 win/year difference between very good and very bad) than hitting skill.
His baserunning blunders are even more overrated when one considers the absurdity with which veteran Mark Sweeney is being lauded for leadership -- he made the team's biggest baserunning gaffe all year -- at a time when the Plaschke types are killing the Dodgers' kids in print.
I'm not sure the Manny comparison is apt; Kemp is faster and more athletic, but Manny is one of the 25 best hitters ever to walk the planet (11th all-time in EqA coming into the year, though his career needs a bit more length). I don't want to see him traded by any stretch of the imagination.
Rich (Columbus, OH): Jay, didn't know you were a Dodger fan. Are you as happy as I am to see that all of these "Trade Kemp" rumors are dying down? You don't think the Dodgers will actually trade any of their top prospects, do you? Also, does your last name rhyme with 'taffy'?
Jay Jaffe: I will be enraged but hardly surprised if and when Colletti pulls the trigger on something that goes beyond his punting of overrated prospects/youngsters like Joel Guzman and Dioner Navarro. Not sure who it is that wil be dealt, but you're talking Russian roulette with the cell phone in Ned's hand.
And yes, it's Jaffe like taffy. Or giraffie, as one of my childhood friends used to say.
Ha[p[p]ilyu so. ]i d]idn't mean that it hurt in that respect.
(That's my keyboard acting out. I cleaned this portion up)
I also listened to Rush, and explained to my kids how amazing Neil Peart is.
harmonizing is a lost art. Especially three part harmonies like the NP's do. I always love bands who get creative with their vocals and stretch out
Totally below.
Rush is one of the greatest Rock and Roll bands ever.
Although, he used to be a manager and a catcher and he's happy to tell you that as often as he's able to fit it into any sentence about baseball.
Kennedy's Kofidential should find a way to add one more K so he's called out on strikes and has to go sit down and be quiet.
I hate Hollywood.
Ostrander suffered a seizure at a restaurant over the weekend. Having a seizure and having the chance to have large men hit you in the head soon after are not a good mixture.
"I'm not a big Notre Dame fan, so I don't know what they have done prior in their history, all I know is I don't like the green," Brown said at a Monday news conference. "I don't even like money this week, that color. Before I came in here, I threw my wallet in the trash. I don't like those guys and they don't like us, that's what it is. It comes down to who's going make more plays Saturday."
144 Now that made me laugh. Good for Trent Edwards. I went out of my way to read the Buffalo News report on that game.
Someone should tell Trey Brown that Notre Dame really wears blue.
I could be wrong.
Trey told me during fall camp that he was going to get 7 interceptions, he has 3 so far.
Still, I'm not sure I could get into New York vs. Arizona.
A big screw you to the rest of the country and especially to ESPN and Fox.
"Tony Abreu will undergo surgery tomorrow to repair a sports hernia. He is expected to be fully healed in six to eight weeks and then resume his normal offseason conditioning, which should leave him fully ready to go by the start of spring training. ... The MRI on Furcal's left ankle showed nothing serious, he won't need surgery, and he is expected to be at full strength by the start of spring training after resting and rehabbing during the winter."
And I would root for the Cubbies, but I dread the insufferable bandwagon of arrogance that would follow a Cubs World Series win. Have we learned nothing from the 2004 Red Sox?
Cubby fans definitely have high insufferable potential (not quite at the '04 Red Sox level, but definitely moreso than the '05 ChiSox). I'm with you on AZ getting WS #2. It's bad enough that Florida has 2 already.
NY, Boston, and Anaheim are immediately disqualified based on current insufferability levels.
This is where I would consider instant replay for calls like this in a play in game for the postseason and post season series. I agree it would not be good in the long run for regular season games-too many games, too much a logistical headache. However, after 162 games, for games and a team's postseason hopes to be dashed by a badly miscalled play goes against my sense of justice. Would this umpire have made the same call if the game was held in San Diego? I am not a Padre fan but I've seen the Dodgers get more than their share of the shaft in World Series play (Reggie's hip check deflection still rankles me to this day). Cowherd made a point this morning that instant replay is a human invention so you would not be taking out the human element in that if no overwhelming evidence to the contrary, then the umpires' call will still stand like in the NFL.
There are lots of non-insufferable Angels fans that are DT commenters.
I think if I was to ever make a movie I'd like to do it Once-style; just simple, eloquent, and pure.
The absurdity of Sept baseball with 35 man rosters made what should have been a great playoff game, comical.
Until every team has to declare a 25 man active roster for each game I'll always find Sept baseball a cheap version of the real game.
Having watched Brady Clark play CF, maybe we shouldn't be so quick to brand our own CF. I have seriously seen better outfield play from a Santa Monica B league then what Clark, Holliday, and Hawpe were showing last night.
You and I stand united against the ignorance.
We're going with generalizations based on the demeanor of the fan base as a whole, not the small sample size of well-mannered DT commenters. NY, Boston and Anaheim indeed have the most insufferable fan bases in baseball, for my money.
The Cubs fans would rocket to the top of that list if the team were to win the World Series.
I haven't a clue what managers, coaches, and scouts think about our prospects until their thoughts are published, and even then I take them with a grain of salt because everyone has an agenda, and telling the truth to BA is probably not high on their list.
My own opinion is that McDonald is one of the top 10 prospects in the Southern league based on his numbers.
I had relatives from the St. Louis area coming out and we watched some of that series against the Diamondbacks together. They liked being out here because one of the Cardinals-DBacks games started at 8 pm. Pacific Time.
I remember seeing Game 2 of the ALDS between the Yankees and Angels on a monitor at Burbank Airport while waiting to pick up a relative.
We cleaned out most of the stuff from my dad's house during Game 4 of the ALDS between the Angels and Yankees.
And it almost all ended on a sad note as Game 6 of the WS almost made Russ Ortiz AND Shawon Dunston heroes.
But not quite. Thanks be to to Spiezio.
171 - To each their own buddy. I admit the Herd isn't for everyone but neither is Stern, Imus or Hannity either. I'm not a fan of the others but I get a kick out of the Herd's rants, some I agree with and some I don't. Also, I was more making a point that since the umpire had such a strange delay for a safe call that if instant replay was in effect they could have at least looked at it to see if there was conclusive evidence to the contrary. It's moot now since Bud Black is now fighting it even stating "I think he got it" talking about Holliday's hand touching the plate. This is supposed to be a free exchange of ideas and comments and I wouldn't summarily dismiss your opinion because you quote Stern or Imus for example.
btw, how strange that the padres, dodgers, brewers, & mets are watching. it seems like they were leading the pack all year long.
I was in Stockholm 2 summers ago, and it was quite a sight to see, those girls in their summer clothes.
Was what we saw any less comical than what we otherwise would have seen ... pitchers pinch-hitting, for example?
I could live with either 25- or 40-man rosters, because I enjoy extra innings so much either way. But I don't think the 40-man makes the game inferior.
Maybe you could explain how the expanded rosters actually hurt last night's game...
185 No it won't have any impact on whether the Dodgers sign a big money free agent.
I'd love to see the Cubs win it all, but I don't think they have the pitching.
I'm primarily rooting for exciting games; if we can have some more games like the classic last night, I'll be happy,
It has been a pet peeve of mine since I 1st found out that Sept baseball was different then April-Aug baseball when I was but a sprig. For 131 games you play with a fixed 25 man roster. For 30 of the most key games you play with an unlimited roster. It doesn't happen in any other sport and just seems ludicrous to me.
How can you change roster rules for 1/5 of a season?
And yes it totally changed how the game was played last night. Maybe it was only one or two moves but it was moves that would not have happened if they only had 25 players to work with.
'Cause New York's not my home"
Kendrick is succeeding because he strands runners on base like the elite pitchers. If he were qualified for the pitching title, the leaders in strand rate would look like this:
Which one of those names doesn't belong? Once he stops having his preternatural ability to not suck with runners on base, he'll collapse.
Or at least, it was mega to me.
This gets debated every year of how the expanded rosters makes September seem like spring training games.
But everyone operates under the same rules though the Dodgers did call up more players than most clubs.
One of the funniest lines in a while. Thanks for your perspective on the series, Bob.
Consider how bad ITD is. That's the average baseball fan right there.
As for other sports, college football and hockey have in recent years put in rules changes (to prevent ties) that to me are far more radical than adding players to the back of a roster. For that matter, college football also has different size rosters depending on whether you're the home team or the away team.
Kendrick has been lucky and I think his luck will continue into the postseason. I'll back your prediction but I expect it to go 5 games.
Matt Herges won't be getting Utely, Rollins, Burrel, and Howard out like he did the dismal Padre lineup. Corpas will be a corpse by the end of the 1st round after he gets Lidged.
208 - Okay, no harm done! As far as the delay, it was still odd to me. You might have a good theory as to what he was looking for. The timing of his call was just very odd. NL order of rooting:
Cubs (lots of transplanted Chicogoans are good friends of fine, they've suffered enough).
Rockies - The terrible H's lead a potent exciting offense. Series with the Phils might include 10-8 games nightly!!
Phillies - Potent offense and good old school players in Utley and Rollins make team fun to watch. Downgraded because Philly fans are tough to take as well.
D'Backs - Only good will do - maybe give Ned a kick in the pants to make a big move not just another mediocre PVL move.
AL - Angels - my Socal AL representative in the postseason, Scioscia and the brand of aggressive baserunning and ball playing I like to watch.
Indians - 2nd longest championship drought- 1948 - worth rooting them against the Bronx Bombers
Red Sox - Only one championship since 1918, can stomach them a little better than the Yanks.
NYY - I sooner eat tainted monkey meat than watch them win another title!!
Because I like to see managers work within the confines of a 25 man roster, especially when a game goes extra innings. The game last night was great, but I think it would have even been better to see how each manager would have dealt with a life and death game with 25 players instead of 35.
Luckily for me real baseball starts again tomorrow.
Johan Santana indicated that he might be willing to waive his no-trade rights if the Twins decide to shop him.
"Everything about the Twins, I love," Santana said. "At the same time, if I have to go somewhere else, and it's for the better, I'll do it. I won't have any problems with that." Santana isn't likely to earn the top-three Cy Young finish he needed to retain his full no-trade protection next year. Still, he can block trades to 12 teams and put mostly contenders on that list. There hasn't been any indication that tht Twins will revisit talks with Santana anytime soon. A last-ditch effort to keep Torii Hunter is the first priority.
If you limited the roster to 25 players, but still allowed September callups, you could have a situation like Japanese baseball rosters or even NHL rosters, and have players who are "healthy scratches."
Before a game starts in Japan, the PA announcer comes on and reads off the names of all the active players for the game. Pretty much any starting pitcher who is not available is put on the "inactive list." So e every game in Japan, a manager has about 8 relievers ready to go.
And the Japanese do love their pitching changes. Unless the ace is pitching. Then he stays out until his arm falls off. But if you're not the ace, every manager in Japan turns into Tony La Russa or Clint Hurdle.
Other than yesterday, October 1st.
My last comment on the matter. The latest post on CubTown shows why he's a Lou fan. If this game had been played in Sept, the whole scenario would have been moot.
Here's an example:
1. Offer Milton Bradley arbitration;
2. Buyout Hoffman for $2 million or have him on your team for $7.5 million;
3. Try to teach Kooz how to play LF.
If anyone is interested I did a team stat breakdown for every NL playoff team on Dodgerama, with weighting factors based on how much it appears each player will play. In other words the fifth starter and back end bullpen and bench guys are left out of the stat averages, and an ace who would pitch 2 of the 5 games is counted double a starter who would pitch just one game.
Short version: Rockies, Phillies, and Cubs are all pretty good, with the Rockies slightly ahead and the Cubs slightly behind. The Snakes are way way behind everyone else.
I agree with 219 --- the game last night would have been better if the teams were limited to a 25 man roster. I've never liked key pennant race games being decided with bloated rosters. It's not a big deal, just an annoyance.
I wonder what Johan considers the Dodgers?
2. For a net $5.5M, I'd bring Hoffman back. Last night was an aberration; he's still a pretty good pitcher.
3. In that expansive park, I'd be worried. Mike Cameron won't be back to cover Kouz's ground. May as well keep him at third, until Headley's ready and then try to trade his bat back to the AL.
I would guess Phillies/Indians will be the World Series, but I would not be at all surprised to see something like Rockies/Angels.
Dang, I was just getting ready to post mine. Oh well, I'll be quicker next year.
Brian Dohn, the LA Daily News UCLA beat writer, takes questions once a week and then publishes his answers in his Daily News blog on Fridays. There is always at least one question referring to Brandon Breezel, UCLA wide receivor as Blade. I can't recall if that is his actual nickname but I know it gets used a lot on chat boards.
Anyway, Dohn usually replies something like, "who are talking about?"
So just remember, whenever chatting or writing to non-DT folks, if you ask if Bison will play RF next season, they probably won't know who are talking about.
A 4th place team. I don't think players are capable of deeper thought then that.
From a PR side, I doubt they will do it since Trevor did not get a great sendoff at Petco.
A big paycheck. I don't think players are capable of deeper thought then [sic] that.
I should be more specific... final LogikReader postseason prediction, hahahahaha
I love Coach Howland's plan to build camps and work with a bunch of kids in Cameroon. He is basically creating a feeder system for UCLA.
Here's what I mean. Maybe it was no more clear to the ump than to any of the camera angles whether Holliday did or did not touch the plate. Happened fast, body parts flying, cloud of dust, tons of noise.
So there's Holliday laying on his back. There's Barrett fishing around for the ball.
If Holliday lunges for the plate, that's a signal to the ump that he doesn't think he made it. If Barrett lunges to tag Holliday, then that's a sign Barrett thinks he didn't tag him. Holliday, perhaps aware of this, didn't move. The ump, figuring he knows if he touched the plate or not, calls him safe.
This is one of those calls it is almost pointless to debate. None of the camera angles give you anything more than evidence toward a conclusion, but no actual conclusion. The base is obscured at the key moments in every angle. I think he was safe, and I can tell you why I think that. But I also hate the Padres and loved the 13th inning comeback against "Trev," so that undoubtedly colors my thinking.
Heath Bell may be ready to step in, but you're sacrificing depth in the bullpen. This keeps Bell for the high-leverage situations, and Hoffman as the token 9th inning guy anyway.
Has anyone heard how he's feeling today? Does he even remember that play?
Even if Santana was traded to the tender bosom of St. Mary, I think he'd test the market after a year.
Johan Santana, ca. 2009: "I have always wanted to play for 'Avenue Q's' Lucy the Slut. Though just a puppet, Lucy showed real desire to be a winner..."
But the Twins have their limits, so he needs a trade. And a trade should make sense for the Twins since they should be able to get high value in terms of prospects assuming Santana is going to extend with his new team.
Unless the Twins really think they can make a serious run next year behind him in a contract year.
There is a UK TV documentary, The Edge of Blade Runner, which came out in 2000 with lots of interesting tidbits, interviews and outtakes on the film. It's brief (just under an hour) and not terribly well produced, but a fascinating watch for fans of the film.
They were tied for 2nd in Defensive Effiency and tied for third in the majors in fielding percentage.
Now, ESPN could very well be biased towards the Red Sox but when you look at the stats, they are not overrated.
White Sox
253 Giants could be players for him, too (at least according to murmurs in SF Chron story on the Giants '08 today)
1. yes
2. yes
3. no
Hoffman showed last night why it is so hard for relievers to be voted to the hall of matter how many saves during a career, voters only remember Hoffman blowing a big save (something he has made a habit of in his career, by the way). 524 saves in his career, and all anyone outside San Diego remembers is when it counts, he can't do it.
McClelland wasn't available for comment after the game, and Montague had this to say about whether Holliday's hand swiped the plate: "I believe he did, yeah. I'm at first base."
So, he didn't have a great vantage point.
Brad Hawpe, who was on deck, did. And he was frantically motioning for Holliday to scramble to the plate before Barrett could retrieve the ball, which had arrived just as Holliday's left hand smashed into Barrett's left foot.
"Touch the plate!" Hawpe yelled.
Holliday, who lay face-down after cutting his chin, couldn't.
"I was dazed," the MVP candidate explained.
Barrett picked up the ball and tagged Holliday, then looked at the umpire.
"It looked to me like he got home plate," Padres manager Bud Black said.
I have this gut feeling that the BoSox will win it all this year, they have the best pitching and good'll be such a joy watching JD celebrating..sure Ned will take delight in that.
And Holliday was out...JMHO.
And if LuGo can't celebrate, at least Lugo will.
and I am picking the Rockies over the D'backs in the NL...and the Indians over the Red Sox in the AL...and the Rockies winning it all...
251 The Angels have a kind of hex over the Yankees. They do not have any such hex over the Red Sox-in fact, it's the opposite. I would love it if the Angels could shut those Boston fans right up. But I'm not counting on it. Boston is really, really good this year. I'd pick the Angels over NY or Cleveland, but this series scares me. (I'm an Angel fan, trying not to be insufferable.)
Handwritten letters go into the "Unabomber pile" at a lot of places.
Seriously, I would recommend typing, but I wouldn't lose sleep over it either way.
Because our CF isn't very good. Short and sweet.
saw the bit on Diamondvision Saturday night about favorite foods of the Dodgers...Pierre was a I like him
Awesome. The Campaign for A-Rod has officially begun!
I have three stamps... so I might write some follow up notes just before Veterans Day.
Too much could happen between now and then.
Well, not ripping, but cataloging his faults, without singing his praises, like an historical Ken Gurnick. What about all the times Scioscia didn't get called for obstruction, Bob? Huh? What about them?
We're stuck with Pierre. If we trade him, he can demand another trade at the end of his contract, which means he has even less value. Besides, Colletti thinks he's a table setter, a spark plug, a disrupter of pitching rhythms, a role model, a great "clubhouse guy," a great "character guy," you name it. The role Nomar played in this season's ad campaign will be filled in part by Juan Pierre. And I guarantee the PR department will use Pierre as the face of the franchise for all the offseason charitable and community events. He's a two-fer: Player and mascot.
I was always under the impression that the ump (seems there are a few that give those delayed calls) gave a verbal call right away before eventually getting around to giving his hand signal.
281 - But that just means our leftfielder is now no good. I think the real question is: is Andruw Jones notably better than Andre Ethier and whatever we get in return for Andre Ethier?
I think the new CBA removed the provision about demanding a trade after the first year of playing with the team a player's traded to. So, it's just his contract and his not being good at baseball that limit his value.
Players who currently hold that right from the last CBA (signed their contract prior to the 2006 season) are grandfathered in and can still demand a trade.
No Dodger that qualifies under that provision.
Yeah, we are not getting rid of Pierre so we would paying a ton to replace Ethier, who is very cheap.
Plus, I do not expect Jones to hit 40 home runs again, unless he goes to a big hitters' park.
302 - If I weren't so busy at work and slow on e-mail, we'd be very close to starting the second run. But I do plan to do it as soon as I get my act together.
I think he is a bad signing for any team, unless he comes cheap.
Pierre doesn't make so much that he's not eventually benchable, but I get nervous thinking about 5+ year/$75M-100M+ deals to any one of the 30+ year old centerfielders. LA may be better next year, but I think it sets them back down the road. It also ends any ARod talk, as much of a reach as that would be.
The Betemit for Proctor deal, everyone knew about.
Going after Schmidt was known. Reports we were after Pierre, we just all wanted to ignore it. And everyone knew he was going to get Maddux.
I think it is getting easier to predict or find out what Ned is going to do.
Just how big?
He had a .311 OBP and a .413 Slug%.
Ps I secretly really like Andruw Jones glove though. But that's about it, he had a horrible year.
ARONS is just the unofficial name for Dodger Thoughts, right? We can conduct the DT census through this.
The typing vs. handwriting discussion made me wonder, have computers rendered the old-fashioned ransom note obsolete? If so, it's just one more way modern technology is spoiling things.
I am just arguing why we won't sign Andruw Jones.
I guess my stance is that I would take him out of Andruw, Torii or Rowand, because there's the biggest opportunity for a rebound and thus some value. But I really don't want any of them.
I'd much prefer Pierre in CF, promote Hu to SS and shop Furcal, who is entering the last year of his contract, maybe get something for him
Move him to LF and trade Ethier?
Obviously, I would love to move Kemp to CF, but that is not happening.
A healthy Furcal should be worth something in trade
Bonds is more veterany than A-rod
Bonds has a big helmet (like Pierre)
Bonds is a former Giant
All signs point to Ned signing Bonds over A-rod. And for once, I'm with Ned on this one (although not necessarily for the reasons stated above).
contrast that with A-rod, who had the best year of his career this year.
But he is going to want a long-term deal. It is a bad idea to only think about the first or second year, when giving a big contract.
I'll say traded to Minnesota for Juan Rincon.
As a former Vermonter, I'm rooting for the Sox all the way, but if they can't win it, I won't be too upset as long as the Yankees don't win.
Another year older and another year without a championship. This year was particularly painful and annoying. Guess we just didn't have the talent, luck or management brains to do it. I guess I got spoiled in my youth with wins in '59,'63,'65,'81 & '88. Hope I'm not one of those 80 year olds with tears in my eyes in 2028 for the Dodgers next championship.
Personally, I would package him with Ethier in an attempt to upgrade Ethier, but I don't know who might be available or for what price...
...but really, it wouldn't matter. I like LaRoche, and if we can't get the best player in baseball, I'll enjoy watching him play, but I'd rather have A-Rod any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
With Boras as his agent I don't think so, He's gonna spin the record player till he pleases.
Well I would be interested to see what we do with our best position prospect. Obviously he would not play third, so it creates some interesting possibilities.
Have you read any posts about really long games yet?
Or found out more minutiae about events that happened in Washington?
The beauty of the A-Rod or Nobody plan is that if you can't/won't sign A-Rod, the plan has a reasonable alternative.
"A-Rod or nobody" isn't a dreaming fan making an empty threat. It's saying sign the best player in baseball or don't sign anybody at all. As Enders has pointed out, this club has a reasonable option at every position -- so the only way to improve the club is to overpay for one of the very very very best players in the game.
Signing something less than the best player in the game is a waste of money.
perhaps you haven't met my friend, Mr Coletti
I think my point still stands. It's Alex Rodriguez.
That being said, Pujols makes a nice candidate for #2.
I completely agree with that philosophy. I guess I just don't think we're quite to that point yet.
I'd say go another year or two making marginal improvements and then overpay for Cabrera.
Perhaps that assumption is faulty, but if it is, that's a firing offense for Colletti. Pierre has turned in EXACTLY the season he was expected to turn in. How could he now feel that signing Pierre was a mistake?
ARod is still in the upper, oh, 1% (top 7 or 8) or less of all major-league batters. It's rarified air up there.
Boras will try to.
A-Rod's OPS+ is 183 this season. 4 times in his career he's OPS+'d in the 160's. He hasn't had an OPS+ lower than 133 since he was 21.
Andruw Jones has OPS+'d in the 130's exactly once, and he had to hit 51 home runs to do it. Even if he rebounds from his 88 OPS+ now, I think he'll have a hard time getting back over 130. If he's in the 120's, is he that much of an improvement over Andre Ethier (108 OPS+ for his career)? I point out Ethier because we all should know that JP isn't going anywhere. Except maybe left field.
Like lots of people have said has been said, we have a bunch of good players already. To improve, we need to add a great player. Andruw Jones isn't great.
2004 A-Rod OPS+: 133
2005 Andruw Jones OPS+: 133
A-Rod's down is Andruw Jones's up.
But if I'm right, then Ethier or Kemp loses his job/gets traded and either the new CF or Pierre plays LF. That is a waste.
Again, I could be wrong about Pierre's trade value... but any scenario that sees a center fielder, especially Pierre, playing left field is a disaster.
Is Jones plus something we trade Ethier for (Scott Baker? Joe Blanton?) more valuable than Ethier and 14 million in a dead market? (We drop enough salary next year and have enough young talent that the costs after that are near irrelevant) That's pretty much what this comes down to.
Arod is certainly overpriced, but the ARONs have noted that Ned Colletti has been spending 7-10 million dollars freely on mediocre veterans that are not clearly better than the young options at hand. If you are going to throw away 10-20 million a year, why not get the best player in the game and fill in the number one hole on your squad (sorry LaRoche, true or not, that is the perception). As a bonus history may be made in your stadium.
Of course, the ARONs may all feel foolish in 2014 when AROD bats .220 with 3 HRs, and his 40 million could have been used to keep Kershaw.
Ethier .295 .357 .464 5.8 RC/27, .275 EQA
Jones .263 .342 .497 5.8 RC/27, .282 EQA
Seriously, to your point: it's not either-or, or even Ethier/Orr-or. But I think you agree anyway.
OK, I gotta run -- gotta go learn about birthin' my baby. Spawn of Kavula is coming soon.
>>According to David O'Brien of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Andruw Jones has priced himself out of the Braves' range and will not be returning next year. O'Brien says Scott Boras' starting point was seven years and nearly $20MM annually. {Me: Yikes!} So basically no discount at all despite Jones' terrible season. Boras would be a true magician to pull that off.
All of this just goes to confirm the sentiment from a few days ago. But don't think this frees up a ton of money for the Braves to spend on Torii Hunter. As I noted earlier, a $95MM payroll (a $7MM increase from last year) would probably just buy the Braves their current roster without Andruw or Octavio Dotel. The raises are that significant.
When it's all said and done, I still think Boras and Jones will accept a significantly discounted contract in both years and average annual value. {Me: I think so, too}<<
But I am not the GM.
So the question is whether expensive Hunter or Jones is better than inexpensive Ethier, which is sadly the real option on the table. I would say on this power-starved team it is not a bad move. Especially if we have salary to burn, which probably we will because there are no real good free agent pitchers and Arod will likely sign a Yankee extension, crushing ARON groups everywhere.
I think you all give Ned way to much credit. People told him Pierre was good so he belived it. He needed 90rbi and he signed Nomar. He needed a closer and traded for Baez and his 30 saves.
If McCourt, McGrady and McNed watched the season and then put JP back out in CF then they are either totally blind or they don't care. And that's on defense. Not counting his .322OBP 30 extra base hits for the year.
Like I said yesterday: I'll be annoyed at whichever GM allows Boras to get as much money for Jones as he would have gotten had he performed well this year.
1. A-Rod can opt-out of his contract 10 days after the conclusion of the 2007 season, the latest that would be is November 11, 2007.
2. Players can begin to elect to become free agents for a 15 day period after the season concludes. So if the season ends on November 1st, the period is between November 2 - 16th.
3. Free agents can begin talks with other clubs starting on the 16th day after the end of the season. So, that would be November 17th in this scenario.
4. Not really related but the last date for teams to file their reserve lists for both their minor and major league rosters is November 20, 2007. (This is in regards to the Rule V draft).
5. December 1, 2007 is the last day for teams to offer arbitration to ranked free agents to be eligible for compensation. (List usually comes out around the end of October)
6. Not really related to this topic but the Rule V draft will be held on December 6, 2007.
7. Player deadline to accept arbitration is December 7, 2007.
8. For those on Mark Hendrickson watch, the last day to tender a contract is December 12, 2007 but that decision will probably be made prior to November 20th for roster protection considerations.
If a team signs a ranked free agent prior to December 1st, the team that lost the player will get compensation.
But there will be fewer ranked free agents due to changes made in the last CBA.
So, there is nothing that can happen between now and at least the first week of November so kick back and enjoy the playoffs, the Hot Stove won't get its first logs for a few more weeks.
if that were go happen, Dodger Stadium would definitely go over 4,000,000 & the McCourts would be the envy of all owners, & McCourt would also be sporting a few WS rings. If he stays healthy it could very well happen.
In exchange it should be noted that if said player, especially the more Aroddy option, does become a free agent that nothing else will be spoken of for weeks at a time.
That is all.
you stole my thunder El Lay Dave, I was gonna say that too, but I opted not to...
that signing alone makes me question Ned OH SO MUCH, I mean seriously, the bad arm, the shaky defense, the little base hits etc (FOR 5 YEARS!!). hopefully he comes back this winter with an awesome signing & all will be forgiven.
I sigh with great frustration.
He's taken Mrs. Krabappel's lectures on learning Roman numerals too much to heart.
I was busy typing.
Sun's setting a little earlier each night.
Besides, implicit in your Pierre scenario is that we're giving up a prospect. That's like taking your prize Pekinese to weigh down the bag in which you plan to drown that noisy alley cat. To get a team to take on Pierre's contract, offering DJ Houlton ain't gonna get it done.
But again, be glad you are not Giant fan. This is in today's SF Chronicle.
San Francisco Giants GM Brian Sabean seems resigned to trading a young starter to acquire an impact hitter because of a lackluster free-agent market. He has identified a half-dozen teams with a surplus of hitters that might need pitching. The two Florida teams come to mind, and the Tampa Bay Devil Rays' Carl Crawford and Florida Marlins' Miguel Cabrera would be attractive targets.
"The price of getting an established, up-and-coming position player is usually starting pitching-plus," Sabean said. "There obviously are going to be guys who we're absolutely not going to move."
When asked if he meant Matt Cain and Tim Lincecum, he said, "I would think so."
But then who is talking about, what other young pitchers do the Giants have that are worth someone the caliber of the players he is talking about.
This could also could be a message to Scott Boras, don't come peddling A-Rod up here.
If Sabean trades one of them, SF fans should kill him.
419- The White Sox were the only team in baseball with lower OPS out of their CFs this year. Hey, let's all get our hopes up!
At least my response was formed as a question.
* that's wrong isn't it? "starting" doesn't modify "pitching-plus", so it should be "starting-pitching plus"?
1. He did not want to go into the 2007 season with the only Andre Ethier as the sole outfielder who played any significant time.
2. He had just finished a season nursing two outfielders who started about 75-80% of the time.
3. There were no more big bats available.
4. If he doesn't sign Pierre, his market is limited to older guys with injury histories which he did not want to deal with.
5. Here is the unknown but reportedly, Pierre was close to a 4 year deal with the Giants.
6. Juan Pierre wanted an extra year to sign with LA.
7. Again, this is just guessing, but the Dodgers did not feel that either Ethier nor Kemp could play CF and there were no prospects that could fill that postiion in the near future.
8. If you sign Juan Pierre, he has a track record that is pretty consistent from year to year, you know he has played pretty much everyday and he does get hits and steals bases.
Would he had signed for less years if he could, who knows but JP wanted 5 so that is what they ended up with.
Ned is probably correct in this sense by year 3 or 4, the money part of this deal won't seem outrageous because there will be less and less free agents as teams sign their own players to extensions and the few that go out and become free agents will continue to make big money.
But a Gaucho first.
Zito transferred from San Diego's Grossmont High School to University of San Diego High School, a Catholic school where he earned all-league honors with an 8-4 record and 105 strikeouts in 85 innings as a senior. He then attended UC Santa Barbara where he earned Freshman All-America Honors with 123 strikeouts in 85⅓ innings. Transferring to Los Angeles Pierce College, he posted a 2.62 ERA and went 9-2 with 135 strikeouts in 103 innings, and was named to the all-state and all-conference teams.
He then transferred to USC, where he was a first-team All-America selection by USA Today Baseball Weekly, Collegiate Baseball, and Baseball America. With a 12-3 record, a 3.28 ERA, and 154 strikeouts in 113⅔ innings, Zito was named Pac-10 Pitcher of the Year.3
426- Reasons not to sign him:
1. Juan Pierre is not very good at baseball.
You only need one if it's a good reason.
Oh yeah, I'm the type of guy that likes to roam around
I'm never in one place, I roam from town to town
And when I find myself a-fallin' for some team
I hop right into that car of mine, drive around the state
'Cause I'm a wanderer, yeah a wanderer
I roam around around around around around around
My father worked for the Herald-Examiner Advertising Dept. He usually got complimentary tickets to some of the Ram games each season. So I got to see them at the Coliseum more than once up until 1975 when he left the Her-Ex for the LA Times. My memories of the Rams were greatly influenced by listening to the great Bob Kelly announce the games, and later Dick Enberg.
If you think about it, LA has been really blessed by having some of the greatest sports announcers of all time for the Rams, Dodgers, Lakers, Kings and Angels.
423 I think Pierre to the White Sox would be fantastic.
424 You are absolved.
It is rumored the White Sox are interested in moving a pitcher for a hitter and Jon Garland could be a potential candidate for a trade.
By the time the Rams got into the Super Bowl, it was such an anti-climax. Much better and more interesting Ram teams that should've been champions had missed out, and the version that faced the Steelers was-- eh. It turned out they played the Steelers tough, sort of, for awhile, but I knew they couldn't win it. Most of my favorite players had long ago retired.
Then Rosenbloom died, Georgia took over and everything about that team seemed extremely fishy from then on. I feel about the Rams like people today must feel about the old Washington Senators. They're dead. This team in St. Louis has no connection to my team of memory. The rare occasions when I go to USC games -- that's when the memories come back. Even though I'm no Trojan fan, there is no better place to watch a football game than that old haunted palace.
Which old Washington Senators? The Twins or the Rangers?
Post-All-Star Break: .308/.356/.373, 18bb/13k, 30 SB/6 CS.
(Pre-ASB, you're looking at a horrid line of .282/.311/.338.)
Yes, it's a half-season and reduced sample size. Yes, it's probably largely affected by luck (changes in BABIP? I don't know). A .729 OPS is certainly mediocre and probably just bad; we can all agree to that. But for a leadoff guy with great speed--and I'm not saying that I totally buy it, just that a case could be made--you could argue that a .308/.356/.373 line is relatively kinda-sorta satisfactory. Not great, but passable.
And so here comes Ned to look at the season stats. He'll see how Juan performed post ASB, and he'll say, hey, this is more in line with what we were looking for. I have a strong feeling that although Pierre's production for the year was probably below what Coletti expected, it wasn't so far below as to substantially change his opinion of Pierre as a player, and his second-half performance will likely lead Coletti to conclude that Pierre was simply off in the first half and his production was as expected in the second half. And based on his career stats, this is an overly optimistic, but not completely insane, conclusion to come to. So, I wouldn't expect Juan to be on the trading block this winter. Happy to hear opinions on these nutty ideas...
Juan Pierre has a 100% chance of playing CF or LF for the Dodgers in 2008.
/born in 1984
When he gets a single or, uh, takes a base on balls, he is often standing on second base before the next batter's turn is over.
If there was a way to tweak slugging and OB% to:
a) give him a double for every hit or walk that in which he steals second successfully; and (And if he steals 2 bases, a triple).
b) take away the single/on base for every time he's CS.
What would his effective slugging percentage be?
(I'm not requesting anyone actually take their valuable time cranking this number. I'm just pondering whether this is an area where his stats don't show his contribution.)
EQA is another way of approaching it. Still doesn't help.
I somehow stuck with my affliction/affection for the team even through their move to Saint Louis. It was if I had to hang in there until they won a championship. They finally did, I felt great about it, and only then did I let go. I still follow them, and no other team has taken their place, but they're no longer dear to me the way they once were, especially in the days of Eric Dickerson.
John Roseboro turned in an OPS+ of 75 in 1965.
In 2007,
Jose Reyes was .354
Jimmy Rollins was .344
Dustin Pedroia was .380 !
Alfonso Soriano was .337
Eric Byrnes was .353
Grady Sizemore was .390 !
Johnny Damon was .351
Brian Giles was .361
Kaz Matsui was .342
Ichiro Suzuki was .396 !
Rafael Furcal was .333
and Juan Pierre though usually not a leadoff hitter, was .331 (and .356 in the second half).
So for what he's paid to do, he falls 60 OBP points below the premiere players, and about 20 OBP points behind the non-premiere starters for winning teams, although he achieved mediocrity in the second half.
Grim. Colletti likes what? about him.
I'm actually counting down the days 'til MHDD (Mark Hendrickson Decision Day).
What I would like to see the Dodgers do is take some real risks with thier additional young players and not gurantee JP 162 games. The sad fact that never gets mentioned often enough, if when JP was really slumping in the first half, the Dodgers could have played Matt Kemp, Either and Gonzales and perhaps sprinkle in D. Young, the Dodgers has a team would have been better and probably happier. While 10 additional homers, between Gonzo, Either and Kemp probably does not get us into the playoffs it might have gotten us 3-4 more wins-with JP being guranteed so many AB's we lose out!
vr, Xei
It says we can vote, but I do not see where we vote.
What should the Dodgers' major offseason strategy be?
o Acquire more proven veterans even if it means trading some young talent
o Keep the focus on the talented younger players and fill in pieces around them
o Fire Grady Little and find a manager better suited to guide this team
o Keep doing what they're doing and be patient
The last choice is interesting. What it is that "they're doing" anyway?
The here doesn't look like a hyperlink on my computer either. But it does work. I'm going to assume that's an AOL problem until you tell me you're using something different.
But every Rams conversation makes me think of Jim Healy...And I remember staying up late to hear the late night replay on Healy on radio. Dateline...The Big A...Madame Ram says...
That sucked.
In light of the finding that, hey, Tony Abreu really was hurt after all, could the Dodgers save themselves some heartache by paying him the salary and benefits he should've had by being DL'ed instead of optioned?
If the Dodgers made such a concession and apologized for their stupid stubbornness and/or outright density at the GM level, could/would the union un-grieve? A grievance hearing sounds like it could have nearly the level of animosity as an arbitration hearing.
I believe that would end the grievance because his Abreu would have his money and service time.
I'm sure that the MLBPA could just withdraw the grievance. I don't think either side looks to deal with them. They're a lot of work.
The winner will be getting a Dodger Shirt of their choice of Martin, Kemp, or Loney. This is not the fancy 150.00$ jersey, just the basic blue shirt with name and number.
I'm inhaling and exhaling at a normal rate.
As for the Padres-Rockies game. Really heartbreaking. Hoffman can be very frustrating to watch. I just wish the Padres had some of the young OF talent the Dodgers have although I think Scott Hairston will emerge. I cant believe the Dbacks let him go to a division rival, crowded OF or not.
Do you have a tracking number?
Not to be an insufferable Angel fan but my prize is in the mail:)
Never cared to sit in the sun and deal with the glare to watch Rams games and the exciting plays resulted in me wanting to see them on instant replay and couldn't.
Much more to do in So'CAl in the winter than there is to do in Green Bay. And I love LA telling the NFL to shove it instead of caving in to stadium demands.
"Brett Favre became a gunslinger and had a lot of fun out there, and the NFL became nearly unwatchable."
Because of Brett Favre? Favre is one of the better quarterbacks of the last 15 years. He is a joy to watch, even if he does make the occasional dumb decision now and then. Sorry Greg, I have to take exception to that comment.
That and the fantasy football dig. I love fantasy football! Man first Scott Van Pelt and now Greg. I am disappointed at all the venom.
Of course, no matter what, I will always prefer baseball because of the intricacies of the game.
Since I have never really followed football, what changed about the game that made it so boring?
I'll take the atomosphere of the college game.
I've only been to one game in person, obviously since the Rams left when I was 12. It was a game between the Rams and the Chiefs, it was very tedious, and mostly depressing.
I also went to one college game, and that experience was much better: UCLA, coming off that season where they missed the Championship game because of a loss at Miami (remember that?) playing the opener vs top ranked Alabama. Wow that was fun!
The regal, er, eagle, has landed.
You are correct, Daniel is in error. I expect he is unaware of my Griddle victory which was posted for all the world to see.
No, I do not have Angel playoff tickets but I am a insufferable Angel fan.
He says he got the call right, and that the two replay angles can't help to disprove him. Says Barrett's foot was not grounded and that Holliday got the plate in pushing it away. Also mentioned that had Barrett hung onto the ball, Holliday would have been out.
I thought it was pretty stand-up for an umpire to go live on the air so soon after the controversy.
The playoff losses to the Cowboys and the Vikings stung me year after year. The move to St. Louis should have been unbearably painful, but Georgia and her Anaheim front office had already anesthetized me.
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